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Melly Pov:
Ever since Ari lost the baby I haven't been myself. I left the hospital when Ari was sleep so this could be easier. I sat on the bed writing a note for Ari. I knew she wouldn't read it because of where I'm hide it but i know eventually she going to find it.

I got up once i was done writing. Once she find this note things between us wouldn't be the same.

I picked up my gun and tucked it in my waist of my pants and walked out leaving everything behind.

"Aye yo you ready" juvy said getting up from the chair. I was planning to kill Juvy and some other dude they was a rat in this gang and I didn't like that. I been have the opportunity to kill them but Ari held me back I couldn't fuck shit up with her again. But it don't matter now shit is broken with us.

"Yeah let go" i said grabbing my keys and heading out the door. we got in not saying another word and I plugged in my Aux and blasted "Murder On My Mind". I rapped along to the song and so did Juvy.

I can't believe he can sit here like he aint cross me. Right now Bort is with the other guys. Its currently 3:10am. We pulled up to the stop and Bort and Sakchaser was sitting on Bort's car. Me and Juvy got out and walked up to them dapping them up.

We started talking bout a plan to rob who Juvy and Sak was telling my business too. I could see Sak texting on his pjone looking up every now and then.

"We gon get these Mother fuckers for fucking with my baby momma" I said raising my voice.

"hell yeah No one mess with lil sis like dat" Juvy said raising his gun in the air. I looked around and then looked at Bort who was rolling his eyes at Juvy's comment.

I pulled out my gun and shot Sak sit he wasnt looking. He fell to the ground with a yell and I rolled my eyes "Punk" i mumbled.

I have been shot four times and that shit at that bad. Or maybe because I feel no pain. Juvy jumped back pulling out his gun. I rolled my eyes knowing he aint brave enough to shot me or anything for that matter.

I laughed at him and shook my head getting ready to speak. "You know I really hate when people tell my business " I said. He looked at me shocked like he ain't expect me to figure it out.

I got a tip from one of the other crew members saying they seen Juvy and Sak taking to the nigga that kidnapped Ari and they was laughing and shit so clearly they been talking bec the nigga seems to know my every move.

"How did you-"

"I know things and have eyes and you of all people should know that" I said putting my finger back on the trigger. He stepped back and Bort snatched his gun away causing Juvy to loose his balance. I chuckled at his clum ass and shook my head and pulled the trigger.

I shot him in his head and he died instantly. I laughed at the sense and put my gun away and walked back to my car like nothing happened.

"Shit" i hear Bort say. I looked back and he pointed up and I looked up to see a camera facing our way. we had not time to break in and erase the footage so we just left. I knew from that moment on I would be locked up. I just hope Ari will be ok.

A day passed and I didn't go home. I knew Ari was out but why ho if i'm leaving soon. I was driving down the highway when a police off pulled up behind me turning on his lights. Bort got arrested last night because his dumb ass went to the syore knowing we was wanted and got his ass arrested.

I didn't wanan fight this so i continued driving til i got to a exit and pulled into a rest stop. I stopped there and the police got out and came to my car signaling for me to get out. I got out with no hesitation so I wouldn't make it hard for myself.

"Jamell demons?" the officer asked. I nodded my head and he looked at me up and down as if she was making sure.
"I will need u to turn around" He said and I did want he said. I had no energy to fight right now I was tired from all that driving.

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law" he said putting hand cuffs on and walking me towards his car putting me in. I sighed as he closed the door and I started thinking bout Aro things was going good again and now im leaving for who knows how long.

We drove for hours. he pulled up the the police station and got me out.

News reporter was everyone asking me questions but the officer pulled me through them. I wasn't in the mood for talking to reporters.

He took me inside did my finger print and other shit and sat me down in a rolled room with a one way mirror.

A officer came and and sat down. they asked me questions bout the shooting and honestly i told the truth why lie that got it on tap. They discussed my chargers and stuff and told me I had a maximum of 25 years in prison with no bond or probation.

I wasn't worried my gang would figure out how to get me out of here. They put me in a cell and locked me up. "Great" i mumbled sitting in the hard as bed.

"Home sweet home"

1015 words
Updated 11/27/2020

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