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Marcus Pov:

   I just had sec with ari mane im really feeling this girl. I know i kidnapped her but im starting to feel for her. I have to convince Melvin not to kill her because i know her days our numbered now.

   "what you thinking about" ari said. she is now lay on me with ha head on my chest n her arm n leg around me. I really liked how this felt and i didnt want want her to leave.

    "Um nun shawty" i say.

    I didnt wanna tell her that she dying soon but im gonna prevent her from dying she cant die.

    " Ok im finna go take a shower and make dinner ight" She say as she gets up and puts on some to wear. I watched her walk about the room and i sighed and laid there.

    My phone buzzed and i looked at it and it was cam. "what do this nigga want" i say to myself as i answered.

   " Yoo wassup" i say

    "Aye the trey act like he cant give us the money for the drug and shit" He say. i felt marcus leaving and melvin coming out. Melvin always hated when he heard that someone played with his money.

    Melvin pro :

    "Yo ight ill be there soon lemme get dress" I said in a harsh tone. I was mad because this aint the first time he act like he couldn't give me my money for the shit he asked for. I got up and threw on a shirt and grabbed my gun and walked downstairs. I went in the kitchen tonsee what ari was up too before i left..

    "Aye yoo ari i gotta dip for a minute i wont be long ima have bella and emily to come over ight" I say as i gave a lil kiss on ha cheek. I could tell she was sad but i had to deal with this.

    I smacked her ass and went out the door and texted bella.

   "Can you and emily come over and watch ari for me" - Me

   "Yeah sure what time" -bella

    "Right now i gotta go the door unlocked doe" - Me

   She responded to me but i didn't bother to response back. I put my phone up and headed to the destination cam sent me.

  30 Minutes later

    Ive finally gotten to where cam told me to go it was hella long to drive and i was tired but i wasnt leaving til we settled this. I seen cam and asher and i got out my car and head to them.

   "where he at"  i said

    "he in the backseat" asher said

    I nodded and went and opened the backseat door and it revealed trey sitting in the back scared. I pulled him out the car n pinned him against the car and pulled my gun out.

    "Where's my money for the drugs that you delivered" i said kinda yelling.

   "I-i dont know" he say in a shaky voice.

   i hit him once across the face with my gun.
Ari pov:

im bored as hell right now and marcus or i should say melive left bout a hour ago to handle some he wouldn't tell me where. Right now Emily is over here smoking weed n i can't stand the smell i mean i love me some weed but the smell aggravates me after awhile.

"You want sum lil mama" Emily say

" naw im good for tn" i say getting up " im tired so im finna head to bed ight" i said walking up the stairs not giving her time to speak.

For the past few days ive been tired and i honestly don't know why. i laid in bed thinking and then it dawned on me.

I missed my period

Ok so im ngl this chapter sucky :( but ima start getting back on track n update more sksksksksk
But yea this on short im sorry if will get longer love yall
excuse all mistakes pweeth

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