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Ari Pov:

it's been a very long ride. I've fallen asleep twice and I'm still in the van. I groaned and sat up and looked around once again. Nothing was there, Suddenly the van stop rather harshly. I rolled my eyes and the van doors open and them two men appeared again. They grabbed me and pulled me out the van and dragged me to a warehouse and tied me up.

I wanted to get free so badly i tried to break free but that didn't work. They had me tied tightly and i knew that would leave bruises. The men left and locked the door. "Not like I can get free" I stated continuing to try and get free.

"Aw no use baby girl don't hurt you poor little hands to get free" Jackson stated. I learned that was his name while i was locked in the van. I could hear the conversation but not word from word I only heard parts. "LET ME GO" I yelled pulling on the rope with my hands but it was literally no fucking use of that it made the shit tighter.

He laughed coming closer to me. "I will not let you go til Melvin shows up and rescue you" He said squatting down in front of me. He rubbed my belly smirking. "I will make sure Melvin gets what he deserve." He said hitting me. I grew angry, one thing that change about me also is my tolerance for people hitting me.

I kicked him with me feet since those was free. "Don't you ever put you hands on me again bitch" I said readjusting myself in the chair. He looked at me with a smirk and pulled a chair up near me. I could feel myself changing like i was no longer myself anymore i just didn't understand.

"Leave me alone" I yelled

"Now why would I do that" He laughed "I enjoy watching you scream sweet Heart why would i stop"

His phone ring and he answered it. "You son of bitch when i get free i will kill you with my bare hands" i mumbled to myself. I rubbed my hand against each other to rub the ropes together. He was on the phone for quite awhile which i didn't mind more time for me to try and get free. I felt highly different but i couldn't put my finger on it.

Jackson got up and smirked at me and said "this may be your lucky day" and he walked out the room.

"Good he gone" I said as i brought my hands from around me and i smirked and rubbed my hands.

"Ya'll really need to check people before you tires them up" i stated as i search the room for another way out. I had a clip in my hair and i hooked it to my pants before they tired me up. I pretended to pull my hands apart to try to get free so he don't get suspicious but little did he know i was actually using something sharp for extra help. I walked around the room looking for a exit so i wouldn't have to fight them off i'm to tired for all that. i eventually gave up there is not other exit out of this place but that door and a window but it was guarded by two men.

I heard a faint sound a tires screeching followed by gun shots. I knew exactly who it was when i heard is voice at the door. "Melvin" I screamed. I heard more gun shots near the door but i didn't open it. The door bust open revealing Melvin, Cam, Kay, and Chris. I ran to Melvin hugging him tightly. Yes i still hated him but i'm glade to see him again.

"Go with Chris and Kay to the car ill meet y"all back at my house okay"

"Okay" I responded and I followed Kay and Chris out the door and down the hall. There was a lot of dead body everywhere. Melvin must of had extra help to pull this shit off. I watched Chris as we walked down the hall way for some reason I had a weird feeling about him like he was hiding something but i didn't say nothing because I wasn't myself right now.

I felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me to the ground. I screamed and tried to break free from them. I don't know what got into me but I grabbed him and bit him n pushed his against the wall and grabbed his gun and held it to his head. I was shocked at what i just did i never had courage to do some shit like this but I do now I guess. He look at me with terror in bhis eyes and all i did was smirk. Out the corner of my eyes Chris and Kay looked shocked as fuck and that made me smirk even more.

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