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Ari's POV:

Gun fire continuing on. I held onto Liyah as much as I could. I could hear her crying as she held me right. Tears rolled down my eyes as I didn't want her to go through this.

"ARI !" I heard someone called my name. I looked up to see Bella and cam crouched down across from me and Liyah.

"Come on." The said reaching. I let Liyah go and she ran to Bella and Bella shield her as she helped her out the sliding door.

Can reached for me too and we went through the sliding door.

We ran as fast as we could from around the house. All we could hear was guns going off. " DID YOU KNOW I yelled as I pushed Cam.

"No I don't know I swear." He said throwing his hands up in defense. I watched as Bella shook her head indicating she didn't know either.

My heart hurt as I replayed those words Aj had said.

"I have to go inside to help them out." Cam said. Bella nodded and led Liyah to the car. I ran ahead and went to the back of the trunk grabbing a gun.

Rage filled me as I loaded the gun.

Not only didn't I want Aj dead now I want melly dead at all cost.

"Ari!" Bella called out.

I ignored her and slammed the door and headed back towards the house. Cam tired to stop me but I dodged him and kept walking.

"Ari stop you could get killed." Cam yelled out.

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK." I yelled back.

I got into the house where everyone was.

There was more bodies then before.

Where did all these people come from? Was they here this whole time?

I walked in as the was still shooting at each other. I rolled my eyes pointed my gun to the glass sliding door and shot both the glasses out causing a loud sound to occur.

Aj and melly looked in my direction.

"I'm so fucking sick of this gang shit im always pulled into something." I said waving my gun around.

I pointed it at Aj and shot his in the leg. He tried to let a shoot back but instead he fell and into the bullet hit the wall.

Aj winced in pain as he yelled his leg. His friends pointed their gun at me too." I advise you to not to do that please if you do I'll air this bitch out before you can count to three." I said.

I smirked in their direction before Q and Cam snuck up on them hitting them both in the head.

They fell to the ground and i shifted my attention to Melly.

"And you." I said but stopped. My smiled faded as I looked at him.

"And to think I loved you when you killed you own son and risked my like for your gang." I said. "If anything you deserve to die." I added.

I knew those worse cut deep but I did not care. He hurt me and not only that killed my son, all because of this gang life he was born into.

He not once tried to change no matter how much danger I want into. Now I'm like this. Now ima Turning into him little by little and it's all his fault.


"Nah shut up I don't even wanna hear yo pussy ass talk no mo." I said cutting him off.

"If anything im the one talking."

"I'm sorry." He said looking up at me all sad and shit.

"You sorry?" I questioned. "You wasn't sorry when you had you're son killed and gave my life away for you gang?" I said walking closer to him.

"Or are you sorry your plan didn't work out." I said. I placed my gun against his head.

"You wouldn't." He grunted through his teeth.

"I would." I mumbled looking him dead in his face.

"Your the reason im like this." I said. I placed my hand back in the trigger about to pull it.

At this point I didn't care anymore. I wanted him dead, dead and gone and I wanted to be the one to do it.

"YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE." I yelled in his face.

He winced as i said that. "You should've left me alone or killed me right then and there but this, BUT THIS." I said getting loud at the end.

"I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. But you ima make you hurt fuck killing you I hope he live the rest of you life with regret and shame for killing your own family by your self you have no one but to blame for your self." I said not breaking eye contact.

"I regret loving you til this day."

A sharp pain went shot through my whole body as I finished my sentence. I heard melly yell my name and his voice cracked in the process.

I suddenly lost all function as the pain stunned my body.

Fall down until melly caught me in his arms.

My eye slowly closed as melly yelled at me. "Ari keep your eyes open." He said. He shook my as my body became weak.

He attention turned from me as we heard a door being slammed.

"Shit." Melly mumbled.

He focused back on me. "Come on Ari please survive I'm sorry." Melly mumbled.

His voice began to crack as he held back tears but they escaped anyways.

" I didn't mean to hurt you i truly love you." He said.

A sharp pain in my chest started to burn. It was now harder to keep my eyes open.

I tired hard but it didn't work the more i tried the weaker I got.

Realizing I've been shot in the chest I lost complete consciousness.

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