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Umm... If you are not mature and can't handle sexual things don't read. Kind exclusive

Fair warning :)


Ari Pov:

"What" I said looking confused. Melly just told me I was acting like someone named Ava, He claim I have Mixed personalities. I rolled my eyes as he sat here for about twenty minutes explaining what happened. Apparently I was kidnapped again by some dude he had beef with. He also said that a girl named Ava revealed herself earlier killing a man with no Remorse. "Great I'm caught is his war" I thought to myself. I'm not about to sit here and let this fool put in my head that I'm like him because I'm not.

I got up and shook my head at him, "You really think I believe this" i said crossing my arms. "I don't have mixed personalities at all so don't lie to me maybe I was just fed up with this bull shit" I said raising my voice. I was fed up he still trying to convince me if you see i'm clearly not buying it.

"Listen Ari you was a whole different person" he said standing up.

"No I wasn't I was myself now leave me alone" I said.

He walked towards me and walked passed me. He existed the room and came back with his phone and propped it up on the stand near his bed. He looked at me and walked towards me and pushed me against the wall pinning me there. I tried to get free but he was to strong for me. I grew anger as i pushed him wall even more. I felt different again like i wasn't myself.

"Hey" I said with a huge smirk on my face. "Miss me already" He rolled his eyes letting me go and i rubbed my wrist that he was grabbing.

"Damn nigga yeen have to grab me that hard" I stated plopping down on the bed looking around.

"Shut up" He said picking up his phone doing god knows what with it. I heard he cheated on this soft bitch Ari. No wonder he fine as fuck. I laid back getting comfortable.

" Unt Unt what you doing?" he asked.

"Getting comfortable why?"

"Naw bring Ari back" He said

"Nah I don't feel like it she a pussy anyways you need a bad bitch like me" I said with smirk because it was true. He rolled his eyes and i rolled mines. He pulled me outta bed and pushed me against the wall not letting go.

"What the fuck did I just said bitch" He said getting angry. He put his fingers around my neck and tightened them around my neck. I couldn't breathe and he wouldn't let go at all. I kicked him in the nuts and smirked and he let go holding himself.

"Fuck" he mumbled under his breath

"You little shit" he said

I laughed at him tryibg to get up but he eventually gave up trying to. I sat on his bed and got on my phone and looked throught shit Ari had on here. A short thick girl appeared in the door way calling Melly's name. I rolled my eyes and she was cute as fuck not going to lie. She looked at me and smiled and wave.

"Hey Ari are you okay" She said

"Ava" I said in a bored tone.

"What" she said confused and she looked at Melly who had finally got off the floor.

"That's Ari but Ava in ha body Ari got mixed personalities" He stated he said looking at me. He shot me a glare and I rolled my eyes. This nigga does to much, the fuck he want Ari back so damn bad. I got up walk towards the door and Emily I guess that's her name looked at me for awhile and then rolled her eyes.

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