887 29 18

(4 years later)

Ari Pov:

"MOMMMMM" Nylah yelled from her room. It's been four years since me, Rachel, and our daughters left. We are very happy where we are and has no plans on going back to be honest.

"Yes Nylah" Rachel said groaning as she got up to go see what she was doing. Rachel was a fit mother to e so young she handled her well. She never drunk around her and I don't see her smoking. She don't do things other young parents do.

"Where is my shoes" She said. I laughed as nylah came walking out her room with one shoe on.

"Bro come onnnn you have school in less then 30 minutes hurry upppp mane" Rachel stated picking up Aaliyah my daughter who was sleeping.

"Okay Okay" Nylah said running back to her room.

Rachel and Nylah left so it was just me and Aaliyah who was till sleep. I got up to clean up the place and took something out for dinner.

I was happy I was free but i missed my parents despite what they did to me. I missed Mell also but i didn't want to go back to him and I didn't wnat him around Liyah.

Yes I know he is her father but i don't want him to hurt her like he hurt me.

As for kayden we talk but not much. After our kiss the day I left we haven't talked much. I smiled at the thought of me and his kiss. I know this is wrong for mell but i need to be happy but i guess its not with him.


I turned around and looked at my phone. I smiled flashed across my face as Kayden name and picture appeared across my screen.

I dried my hands and answered the phone.

"Hey" I said in a soft whisper. I knew he was smiling and i smiled to as he chuckled.

"Hey bbg how is mini me doing" I smiled. Kayden intends on making Aaliyah a mini him which i don't mind because her real father isn't here right now.

"She sleep i'm about to wake here" I said as i fixed her cup and a got her a lil some so she could eat. I walked into the living as me and Kayden continued to talk bout random things and he even got sexual.

I woke liyah and gave her, her cup and she took it from me and instantly started drinking she got up and wobbled a little and then started walking around messing with things as always.

I could tell Kayden was walking somewhere but he wouldn't tell me where so i just assumed he was picking up Bella from god knows where.

"Hey do sth for me" He said.

"Hmmm?" I said ready to hear what he was about to say.

"Open you door don't ask questions just open it" He said.

I sighed knowing not to argue with him on this one. I got up after setting my cup down and walked to the door and Liyah followed behind me. i looked down at liyah who was sipping on her cup not worried about anything else.

I opened the door and It revealed Kayden. I huge smiled grew on my face as i dropped my phone n jumped in his arms.

i looked at him and he stared in my eyes n smiled and then kissed me passionately. I smiled as he put me down and went to Liyah who was now hiding behind my legs.

I shook my head and picked her up. she laid her head in my crock or my neck and watched Kayden's every move.

"This is Uncle Kay" I said smiling

"Unt unt daddy Kay" he said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the house. I felt a hard smack on my ass and I turned around and glared at Kayden.

I shocked my head and continued walking.

"Omggg Kayden" a female voice said and I instantly knew it was my sister. She jumped into his arms and hugged him tight and he laughed as he sat her down. she looked at me with a smirk and took liyah away from me.

"I got everything from here now go away" She said shooing me and Kayden away. I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room.

My room wasn't nice nice but it was decent enough. Having a child that dine put shit back when she done is the hardest.

I sat on the bed and got comfortable as Kayden did the same and kicked off his shoes. I laid in his arms as he flipped through the TV channel to find something interesting.

I felt safe with him but I thought about Mell. I knew he would find me soon I'm not safe anywhere when it comes to him.

"How is Mell" i said watching tv not looking up at him. He hated when I talked about Mell but I can't help it deep down I still have feels for him.

"He isn't doing good he killing people just to find you and he isn't him self he way worse" He said through his teeth.

Part of me felt bad because it was my fault. All those people dying was because of me. Well Mell and the rest of the crew stay there has bene alot of killings they don't know who but i knew who it was when I seen it.

"Maybe I should go back" i said

"No" he said.

I sighed and continued to watch TV. I don't know part of me wanted to go back but I knew it wouldn't be the brightest idea.

Kayden slid from under me and got in top of me. I smiled and kissed him and he kissed back.

He slid his hand all over my body as he grinded making me moan. I bit his lips softly as he unbuttoned my pants and slowly slid them off. I bit my lips as his fingers rubbed me through my panties and he smirked as I moaned and gripped him wrist.

It's been awhile since I had anyone touch me so this was suck a turn on. He continued going and it felt amazing. We went all night and sex with his was good but not better then Mel. I guess Mell knew my body better.

Kayden left a few hours ago and I wobbled downstairs to see what my sis was up too. It was 12 pm and Nylah was home so Rachel must have went to get her early for sum reason.

They was all past out on the floor and I smiled and cleaned up their mess and went to take a shower.

My phone chimed as I got out the shower and I rushed to it thinking it was Kayden but I was wrongly mistaken.

Melly🙄: Hey bbg I have a surprise.

I left him on read because I didn't want to respond. I got dressed in a long shirt and fluffy socks and I hanged my sheets because they where wet.


I jumped at that sound and I got up and opened my door and there stoood Mell with a smirk on his face with flowers in his hand.

Words: 1233

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