Chapter 10

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I hope you're having a great weekend! Lots of stuff to do, but I squeezed some time in for a new chapter! I hope you like it :-)



Chapter 10

I eyed the entrance to the room. “What about Blaze?”

“We’ll let him go, for now.”

“Tell me what you want,” I said impatiently, eyes still on the doorway.

“You had a run in with some of my pack members last night.”

That made me look at him. “You mean their meeting with the half-witches? Or were you talking about the fact that they attacked me and stole something that belonged to me?”

“Both,” Marrok said.

I narrowed my eyes. “What did you want with the information, Marrok? Is this part of your future deal with the half-witches?”

He neglected the core of my question and brushed if off with one of his own.

“Have you taken a look what’s going on in this city? The peace the leaders have been trying to keep up was never even there. We all know how this is going to end, don’t we? There’ll be more than riots, and if you have any sense of self-preservation you’ll prepare yourself for that, or you’re not going to survive. I’m making sure my pack will survive, no matter how.”

He paused for a moment, before he continued. “Now here’s what you’ll do. You and your witch friend forget what happened last night. You make sure nobody has proof the half-witches and members of my pack were meeting. At all.”

I gave him a flat look. There actually was a part of me that wasn’t even surprised. “What if the Circle finds out on their own?”

“You know, I believe you’re someone who takes promises and clearing debts seriously. But just to be clear on this: If I hear news that the Circle got wind of the meeting, I’ll assume they heard it from you. If that happens I’ll challenge Fillin to a duel.” He smiled. “The little wolf won’t refuse me.”

I stared at him in horror. I didn’t know much about Blaze and Marrok’s common history, but I knew Blaze well enough to believe in every single word the Alpha said. Blaze wouldn’t walk away from Marrok’s challenge.

And Marrok would kill Blaze in a heartbeat.

* * *

I walked away from the fortress of abandoned cars with my head raised high, my hands swinging at my sides. Sometime during my unwanted stay in Marrok’s shack-like stronghold rain set in. Heavy clouds had moved in to block most of the moonlight, cold rain pouring down as if the world was approaching a stormy, wet end.

The weather reflected my emotions. I had the urge to kick something, or someone. My life just got more complicated, not to say completely messed up. Were the shape shifters an extension of the Inri-Brotherhood? Could it be that one of the shape shifters in the Fade pack was the leak we were looking for? And if yes, were there other moles in the Circle?

If that was the case, what was I supposed to do about it? I had no proof and I couldn’t even tell Andy!

I shook my head. It felt like I was running into a wall, head-first, no matter which way I looked. This didn’t make any sense. Last I heard Marrok hated the rogue witches. Why would he be working together with the Raven?

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