Chapter 7

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Loved your comments on the last one! Okay, I said brace yourselves for what's coming, and I'm saying it again. Anna and Andy will get more than they asked for in this one.... Hope you like it!

Thanks for reading and for commenting!



Chapter 7

"What do you want?" Brenna said, staring at me.

"Information, Brenna. That's what we came for," I said.

As in contrast to handing you over to the head vamp and his silent wrath.

Tony snatched his arm away. He sat down slowly, rubbing his arm. His eyes strayed. Suspicion-filled looks towards the oblivious humans in the bar, before he faced us again.

"Your leader, Chris Hayes, was hand in glove with one of the most dangerous and ruthless rogue witches of the twenty-first-century," Andy said. "Spill. Just how much did you know about their partnership?"

Andy had thrown the beastly chunk, the reason why we were here, right in front of him. Tony averted his gaze. I stared at his profile, hard. Looked like Tony was going to walk away from this – with the proverbial tail between his legs.

Andy leaned forward and I saw the barest hardening of jaw muscles as they locked in place.

"Was it worth it? Working together with a mass murderer? A rogue witch who killed people and didn't care which race they belonged to?"

Brenna looked at him. The reddish light of the bar reflected in her dark brown eyes like an obsidian mirror. If there was some sort of doubt or regret in them, I couldn't detect it.

"You think shoving that up our noses will make us change our mind? You don't get it at all, do you?" she said. "We've been caught in a world in-between since we were born. Not human, not witches either. We're recognized as half-witches, but in truth we don't belong anywhere." She shook her head. "You think the Circle gives a damn if one of us gets molested by a vamp? We're sick of not being able to defend ourselves. Sick of being afraid. So whatever Chris did and whoever she aligned with, I'm perfectly fine with it."

"So it was okay to just go out murdering vamps?" I said.

I froze. What I said gave me pause, and it should have. The undead were what they were. Walking, talking time bombs that could explode any minute, wreak havoc and bring violence like no other creature on this planet. A dead vampire was a good vampire. Had always been. Would always be. A few exceptions to the rule did nothing to change my sentiments. Or at least that's what I thought my line was. So where did that come from?

I worked hard at regaining my mental equilibrium, shoving down whatever dangerous thoughts I'd been harboring.

Brenna laughed. "If you think you can get anything out of us, you're wasting your time." She stared at me without blinking. "Whatever Chris did, whatever we did, we did it for the cause. Our cause."

"And you're unprotected now," I said slowly – more to myself than anyone in particular, – remembering what Andy had overheard in the half-witches' conversation with the shape shifters.

Tony gave me a look that dripped with hatred. It shouldn't have unsettled me. They treated me differently ever since they learned I wasn't who I pretended to be. I knew that. So why did it throw me off course?

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