Chapter 50

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Ok, so Anna's giving in to 'darker' powers. How will it affect her? Find out in this one. Will there be long-term consequences? What do you think?



Chapter 50

I didn't shy away, embraced fissures of power – took what I needed. Magic exploded, tore through me like a cutting knife. I screamed, eyes wide open. Energy hopped from one particle to another, ignited by my will and that dark part inside of me that just didn't care. Bolts of electricity met flesh. Ramondo's human servant roared above me. The power bolt hit him right in his chest, threw him back ten feet – a pale rag doll in the wind.

Darkness claimed my eyes, weaved itself into my vision like it was part of myself. There was no fear, no anger. Not the kind that drove the heartbeat to a crescendo and made you stupid and reckless. Just calm serenity, numbing, dulling like a soft blanket veiled over my eyes. There was nothing in existence but the rush of power in my veins. Magic had never felt so good, so unrestrained and pure.

I righted myself, got on my two feet, raised my hands, and stared at the man across from me. He was standing, no longer on the ground. He was bleeding from the chest, cradling his left arm, but there was a new glint in his eyes. Eagerness. The promise of violence and death. He smiled. It was a cruel smile.

"You've just signed your death sentence."

He rushed me, a shadow dividing my vision. The world shifted around me. Darkness nestled and infested the edges of my sight in time with the coldness seeping into my system. There was nothing to be gained, nothing to be had. Nothing mattered.

A smile on my lips. Unfamiliar. Not a conscious thought. I dug my arms into that cold place inside of me.

Power flooded into me as if drawn by magnetic forces. I welcomed it, embraced it and called it my own. Fissures and tendrils of electricity cut through the night, slammed into the human head first. He stopped dead and froze, stuck in a minefield and window of electric currents.

I pressed my eyes shut, reaching for that lake again – desperate, imaginative fingers groping. No barriers. No balance. No consequences.

Darkness exploded in my vision, left me blind to the real world. I was stuck inside that power drench, that vacuum of shadow that meant nothing and everything to me. The Albino, human servant to the vampire that killed my parents, was right in front of me and I felt nothing.

No that was not true. I did feel something. Power rolled through my veins, thick and strong. I pushed forward, called the magic to me willingly. It was dark magic. I knew it. But the knowledge alone wasn't enough to make me want to stop. It felt good.

It was easy. Easier than when I tried to use other elements. I drew the power right through me, used my body as life conductor and pulled pulled pulled. Whiteness exploded in my vision in time with the Albino's roar.

It was the last time I heard his voice.

* * *

It could have been hours. I don't know how long I stood there. Long enough. Until I was sure he was dead.

It was hard to concentrate. At some point the darkness in my vision faded, but I was on a power high, too caught up in the rush to realize the consequences. Coming down from a drug will make you crash, no matter which sort. But my skin was electrified and vibrating, I was drunk on power, remembered the feel of dark magic sizzling and burning through my body. I didn't think.

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