Chapter 45

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Okay, the moment has come.  Anna's ready - well, as ready as she's ever going to be - , I'm ready, and I hope you are too. ;-)

Let the fight begin.



Chapter 45

My hands flexed and fisted as I kept staring at Alexander.

He'd weighed the odds, calculated the risks and possible outcomes like a cold-blooded strategist. And it looked like he believed I would come out as the winner. Otherwise he wouldn't have done the impossible. He was taking the risk of exposure, thinking I could win this. Knowing I had to win this.

I wasn't flattered. I was angry. The fact remained. Proving something to Vladislav the II was more important to him than my safety.

Only there was one thing he hadn't added into the equation. In my current state I was like a mole in a fish tank. Blind to what I needed to see to even weigh up what and who I was facing, and unable to use what little magic I had.

I had the cuff. I wore it snug on my arm ever since Giuliana got me started on spelling and storing magic, but it was no use as long as I wasn't in full power. Yeah, what little magic I had access to at this point in time wouldn't be enough, if I wanted to beat Helèna Bathoryn.

I came to this place, hiding the greater part of my power for protection. I didn't want to draw attention to myself. Dueling with Vladislav's servant? A red flag in front of a restless horde of bulls kicking hooves in the sand.

The real question: Would Ramondo or Titus recognize me? And if yes, what would they identify first? Would one look at my magic be enough, or would they have to break into my mind to learn my name? If one of them got access to my blood he'd get a free ticket to the show.

Ramondo was in my head once. It was more than sixteen years ago, but I didn't doubt for a second that one glimpse would be enough. No matter how much he'd see, it wouldn't take much for him to complete the missing puzzle pieces in his way.

At that moment I hated Alexander. I hated him for forcing me into a dilemma where the solution was worse than the problem. If I won, I could only do it by using all of my powers. If I lost, Vladislav, or another vampire, would drink my blood, getting a freebie to my thoughts and memories.

I was caught between the blue eyed devil and the deep dark sea.

In the end, there was only one thing that mattered in my equation. Losing wasn't an option. Losing meant death.

* * *

I amplified the white static inside of my head, guarding my thoughts not with magic, but with mental strength. I could feel the weight of every single stare on me. Most of the vamps had followed us outside, where we had positioned ourselves in the courtyard at the back of the premises. For them it was probably entertainment. For me, much more than the prospect of diversion was at stake. If things played out wrong, I could end up dead.

The night stilled around us, as if all the movement was sucked and drained away until no life was left.

I knew they were watching. I knew he was watching. Ramondo was in my line of vision, standing right behind Helèna Bathoryn. It was his stare that I felt the most. It grazed along my skin like a whisper of electrified bones and knuckles.

Alexander was somewhere behind me. Not that I turned to check. Equal to Ramondo, I was aware of him in a way that was more than physical. I could feel his presence like a second heartbeat. Wished I could turn it off. Wished I could pretend none of this had ever happened. But it had.

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