Chapter 19

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I'm back again with a new chapter - oh and if you thought Anna was in trouble in the last one, you were wrong. Read and you'll find out why!




Chapter 19

I stared at him. "The Circle? But... does that mean Chris was trying to accumulate information on the Circle's financial doings?"

Which would totally make sense.

"It would seem so," Kenneth said.

I picked up the paper, staring at the list of unknown transactions, breathless. Round sums that didn't correlate with the rest of transactions in Chris' list. Three ten-thousand Dollar withdrawals within the last few months, transactions to an unknown account number. Ten thousand Dollars each time. Damn it.

Was this just another line of evidence that was going to peter out? Why would Chris Hayes have the information in her highly prized, private files, then?

"What else did you get?"

Kenneth made a dismissive motion with his hands. "Didn't get far. But it looks like the other two transactions match."

"Were they all the same – coming and going to the same account, I mean?"

"No, I meant that it looks like they were coming from the same account. I'm not sure about the receiver. I haven't had a thorough look yet."

I frowned. That didn't make any sense. Why this list of transactions? If Chris was trying to gain more information on the Circle and, who knew, spy for the Raven too, why this list?

"Did you find out where the money went to with this one?"

He pushed the glasses up his nose. "Not yet. It will take more time to crack that one. I couldn't identify the receiver. They go to what I think has to be another phantom company. I tried to dig deeper, but it all goes muddy. I suspected that it was a private person hiding behind, but I can't be sure. Well, I poked around a bit, but whoever's at the receiving line of all this money is very good at keeping his identity a secret. Maybe I could get more if I had more time. All I can tell you is that the money most likely came from the Circle."

I stared at the papers, absent-mindedly. "Kenneth, can you send everything to my private e-mail account? I want to have another look at it when I'm at home."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him nod. "Sure thing."

Well, at least we knew that the money was probably not payment for the mole. I frowned, trying to process the information. It was like trying to put together pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in the eye of a freaking tornado.

I had no idea what to do with this information, or what it meant. Still. Something didn't add up here. Something bothered me, hovering at the edge of comprehension, waiting for me to make the connection and see. It was frustrating and I hated it!

Kenneth shook his head. "I have no clue what this is all about, but I don't like it Anna. This." He pointed at the sheet again. "If I'm right, this is serious shit. Because if I'm right, these are transactions assigned by the Circle's leader personally, done from Brown's office, and Chris Hayes had them on her computer. You know what that means? That means that whoever got his hands on the information was inside Brown's office."

I stared at him.

"Anna, I know the security in and around Brown's office in terms of IT. Whoever got this information not only had the authorization to enter the office, he had to have been a hacker himself," Kenneth said.

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