Chapter 35

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I can't believe it - this is already chapter 35! I mean, it feels like I just got things started. Speaking of getting things started, I hope you're ready for this one! ;-) Always love to hear what you're thinking.



Chapter 35

The vamp was throwing off power that saturated, devoured the space around him like nothing I'd seen before.

Adrenaline exploded, poured into my system; made my heart race away with the staccato beat of a type writer in fast motion.

Crap. I had to find Rico so that we could get the hell out of here.

I exploded into the night, feet kicking up sand, eyes poised and focused on the first group of pine trees. It was where Rico entered the forest, which was concurrently the only hideout I could think of. There was no way I could outrun a vampire in open territory. Hell, there was no way I could outrun him in anywhere.

I saw this vamp's aura. Tapping into it in second sight was more than an ocular sensation. It was a rollercoaster ride that lasted seconds, but left both body and mind reeling, tingling with the sensation of added adrenaline release. No. This vampire was powerful. I had no intention of meeting him or her in person.

I raced through the thickening forest, ignoring the branches that seemed to pop out of thin air, brushing my face, scratching skin on hands and arms where I tried to bat them away. My heart slammed against my chest. Noise thundered in my ears. Not from outside, no. I was blind and deaf to my surroundings. All sounds were drowned out by the mad drum-drum of my pulse, and I had no idea if I was being followed or not.

I'd been warned by the elders repeatedly, but I'd never seen proof of it myself: The territory around the village and further down south was filled with outlaws and what they referred to as anathema – vamps that didn't belong to covens. Humans were open game – there for the taking. And killing.

I learned a lot from Giuliana, but I didn't trust it to be enough this time. Not with a vampire that packed the kind of auratic punch I'd seen. I kept on running, my legs moving mechanically, my feet randomly getting caught by roots. My breath was coming in uncontrolled gasps. My eyes swerved to the far left. I had no idea in which direction I was going. I had to find the kid, dammit.

If I didn't find Rico soon...

My lungs burned, my legs rubbery and heavy. I couldn't keep this up for long. I had to stop. Just a second. Maybe the vampire wasn't after me. Maybe he was already gone. Maybe he didn't even notice me.

I stopped behind one of the thicker tree trunks, pressing my back to the rough, warm bark. Pulse beating, my eyes glided through the night. The moonlight barely made it through the tent of trees, and still all I could see was the long, eerie shadows they cast.

I lowered my hand and moved my fingers – slow and circle-like. Air changed and charged with power, hanging onto the tip of my fingers until I moved them again, drawing up a wall of air.

I wasn't going to do this unprotected.

Then I waited. Waited for a hissing sound behind me, or maybe the cool tip of fangs at the back of my neck. It never came. The seconds stretched and stretched and still nothing happened. I slumped against the tree. Did I imagine it? Was it just a coincidence and I encountered a lone vampire on his way to another town? Was I not in mortal danger?

I had to get to Rico so that we could portal out of here – fast. But only if it was safe. I peered into the crisscross of trees and greenery, tried to see what lay beyond the shadows.

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