Chapter 42

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Anna and Alexander will have to make their way through this night. Maybe the only way they can is together. I hope you like this chapter! It was fun writing it. Oh and you get inside scoop about vampire creation myths and history, well sort of....   ;-)



Chapter 42

The music picked up in pace, adding a new mix of rhythm and spirit to the atmosphere. The haunting sound was reflected from the walls, reverberating from fleur-de-lis windows and stone arches in a low rumble, only to come back and make the hair on my nape stand on end.

We were in the apse of the church, somewhere behind the throne-like seat Antonio Cellini occupied when we entered. Alexander's hand was where it was five minutes ago, resting on the most exquisite loveseat I ever laid eyes on. The tips of his fingers barely touched the back of my neck, but the contact of skin on skin sent shivers down my spine. The show was on, and what a show it was.

Antonio Cellini was watching us, his eyes lingering on the point where Alexander's hand touched mine. He looked longer and more closely than necessary. Or, maybe, he was just staring at my jugular in a not so subtle way. At this point in time I didn't even know which I preferred. I was too far gone to even care.

"You said there were matters you wanted to discuss. I hear that New York is in a state of unrest," Antonio finally said.

"It is but a little matter," Alexander said.

I recognized the tone of voice. It reminded me of the political arm-twisting I witnessed in New York, discussions between Alexander and Brown in which Alexander would come out as the winner, one way or another. I was beginning to see a pattern I missed back then.

Leaders, politicians, people that held more than an ounce of power and authority – no matter which segment of the population they belonged to, Alexander treated them with the same bland mix of formality and flattery. It was a manner of speaking, a certain drawl that caught the mind's attention. He was using the voice of someone you wanted to trust, someone whose words you could believe in.

No matter how you looked at it, Alexander was a master in the art of deception and political showmanship. Maybe even the most refined this room had seen for a while.

The head vampire smiled. "Nonetheless, I see a slight shift in certain parts of society. Therefore it has been my objective to host an event uniting all three races and deepen the understanding between all the parties involved. Your majesty's ability to connect with humans, witches and vampires alike is known throughout the world. You have the gift of being able to bridge gaps and reunite opposing parties." He paused for emphasis, inclining his head in a gesture of respect. "I most humbly ask for your majesties to attend as guests of honor."

The cat was out of the bag. That was why Alexander was so keen on attending Red Night's Eve to begin with. I knew it beyond a doubt. It begged the question, whether he-

I froze. It was there. A change in the air, a slight pressure behind my retinas.

A sure sign that someone who could pack a punch with the weight of his or her stare alone was watching us. The vamps closest to the dais could probably hear what Alexander was saying. I wondered just how many rules of vampiric etiquette Alexander just broke by asking what he did. Was that really why Alexander was here? The main objective and long-term goal in his scheme of action?

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