Chapter 66

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It's here. The final chapter of this book. I want to thank you all for staying with the series for so long.

I will take a break from wattpad for two or three weeks, then I'll be back with book 5 of the Shadows of the Night series: "Fade Into Black". I hope you'll like it! :-)



Chapter 66

I made my way back to the inner city, stumbling through the streets – a twisted, flawed maze of alleys and lanes that made less sense than a reversed, upside-down chess board. People passing by, nooks and crannies with shadows and silence, the main street a firework of boisterous sound and garish light – I was blind to all of it. All that mattered was getting away. Think things through. Then meet Andy.

Forcing my way out of Alexander's lair turned out to be harder than I thought. At first I tried getting out the old-fashioned way, explaining to the guards that I had a meeting with a friend. It was futile. Then again, I wasn't thinking clearly at that point in time. Alexander's other human servant Jack was, of course, not willing to help.

I ended up using a portal. I was surprised that Alexander actually had some sort of magical barriers around the perimeter. Not exactly pure magic, but something. Nastier, and darker. No matter what it was, I pushed through, slipping under its radar. While whatever he did made it hard to penetrate from outside, anything could get out that wanted. Looked like Alexander hadn't reckoned with housing a portal user.

I had no doubt in my mind that the head vampire would soon be aware that I left. Who was I kidding? The sun was setting. It was only a matter of time until he would be up. And then-

This was where my thoughts stopped.

I refused to think about the repercussions of my actions. Couldn't think past those memories. What had I done? Why did I do it? I needed room to breathe. Time to think things through.

Not that I could rationalize anything I did since last night. Not that I could look at the reasons, the why and how – anything that would explain why I was caught in a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Bits and pieces that didn't function on their own, random thoughts. Whatever I thought I believed, all that I once believed in, it was completely gone.

Alexander could have been involved in a crime that ended in witches getting killed. Scratch that, the blood on his hands was centuries old. There are lines you don't cross, lines that matter. Killing people was always a hard line for me.

I didn't care about any of it last night. I was with him, closer to him than to anyone I'd ever been, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had changed inside of me, that there was no way back.

Just who was I becoming?

I shook my head, turning it against the cold wind slapping into my face. The streets were busy, packed with people rushing from one end to the street to the other. Unknown faces. People who didn't know or care that my mind was close to breaking point.

I had to get back to the apartment, meet with Andy and leave, before Alexander or his horde of flunkies got there. Maybe I was going to grab a few things, lie low for a few days. Wait. Think things through. Find answers to questions I was uncertain of. Decide what to do next.

Pushing my way through another throng of pedestrians, I switched on my cell phone – something I put off and dreaded ever since I sneaked out of Alexander's lair. Was the head vampire awake yet? Had he tried to call me? What would he do?

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