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*Dreams pov*
I was walking down the hall when suddenly I bumped into someone "OW" I looked down and saw they had fallen and i wasnt trying to be rude so i picked up the glasses that had fallen off his face and  we locked eyes. HE. WAS. SO.CUTE. No. Im not gay. I have a girlfriend. Anyways apparently I was staring him because he said "Are you just gonna look at me?" And he rolled his eyes "Oh sorry" I said handing him his glasses and started blushing BUT IMNOT GAY. JUST EMBARRASSED I wanted to ask him to do something with me but that would be too weird. "Hey do u wanna go get coffee later. You look like you'd like it." I said and AW SHIT WHY DID I SAY THAT HES NEVER WANNA GET WITH ME NOW. "Bitch what does that mean." He said and got up and poured his drink on me and smacked me and stormed off. That is so hot. WHY DO I KEEP THINKING THESE THINGS. Anyways my girlfriend came up to me and hugged me and kissed me "Hey babe why are you all wet." She said annoyedly wiping herself off with her hands. As if that would do shit. Anyways  "Sapnap poured his drink on me" I lied so i wouldnt have to say ' this hot dude poured his drink on me' The whole school would make fun of me. My team already jokes about that. But in private sapnap has a crush on the cheerleader, Karl. The bell rang and i ran to my class. and It turns out that guy is in my class!! I sat next to him i guess and never saw him. I passed a note to him..

*george pov*
I was walking down the hall and I bumped into someone. Theyre fatass chest made my glasses fall off and i smashed my nose so of course i said "OW" Then i looked at him, it was DREAM. the fucking FOOTBALL player. There is no other dream at my school I dont know why i had to say that. anyways i've had a crush on him for the longest time. I'm not an idiot so i never told him i did, 1# Hes not gay, 2# He has a girlfriend. Jessica. Shes a bitch and stuff but ive never really talked to her, Shes a cheerleader ofc (Instert rolling eyes emoji) and she hang out with all the cheerleaders except Karl He hangs out with me and Quackity. Anyways he reached for my glasses and was gonna hand them to me but he just stared at me. so i said "Are you just gonna stare at me?" And I rolled my eyes. "Oh sorry" He said awkwardly and started to blush I thought it was cute but then he ruined it by saying "Do you wanna get coffee later, you seem like the type to like it" And i got pissed because I fucking HATE coffee. "Bitch what does that mean." I poured my drink on him and went to my locker, it wasnt far from there so i secretly looked and saw his stupid ugly bitchy annoying girlfriend. I blocked out everything else and when the bell rang i went to class. Before the teacher even came in someone person passed me a note, I looked at them and it was DREAM. D R E A M. He had passed me a note...

Tbc you fucking bitch.

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