11 ;)

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Dream pov its always dream pov.

Today i woke and and happily ate my breakfast so happily because all this DRAMA is over. "Why did Technoblade ask you to go to the park last night? And what time did you get home >:(" My mom said but her words could never bother me now! "Oh he just waned to help me with getting better grades hehe Also i got home like really late it took a long time for him to get there" While saying that in my head i imagined me on a horse in a princess dress and my long hair flowing in the back. I might be gay. Anyways "Oh well thats nice of him.. Anyways I have something I want to tell you" Dont make this day into a bad one. "What is it?" "Your dad wanted to visit" She had the grimance emoji vibes. But moving one what the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK DOES HE WANT I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I THOUGHT TODAY WOULD BE FUCKING GOOD HML FML. "Oh. Why." BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "I dont know he didnt say but i think he wants to talk to you" I dont want to. "Uhm alright...." I said and then left so sadly and angrily and fucking SCARED because i swear on my life i have a stalker or something. Maybe today is bad like yesterday and that technoblade stuff was a dream. I would say im repeating the same day over and over again but yesterday my dad didnt wanna come over so thats a no. Anyways i got to school and technoblade came up to me "Hey man" And he put mhis arm around my shoulder bro-ly. Okay so that crosses off the dream stuff too.. hehe dream anyways "Hi." I was not in the mood to talk. "You sound maaaaad whats wrong" This bitch budging into my personal life "My dad is visiting today." "Okay woahI idnt know you were that rich do you have like an application for them to fill out if they wanna talk to you?? Kinda like quackity. ANYWAYS" He did that dadly shoulder shake. I feel like next hes gonna put my hand on my knee. Weird. "I dont get the quackity bit but uhm anyways no my parents divorced thanks to you. He doesnt like me" I tried to get this mans arm off me but he has arms of STEEL i didnt even do anything . "Woah i didnt know your dad found out about us I didnt think hed be that mad" "I have no idea what you mean" I regret this friendship "nevermind. Uhm why doesnt your dad like you and why is it my fault..?" This dumbb itch doesnt even remember what he did. "You told my dead about me and george and you had PICTURES of us kissing too. Freak I dont even know how you got most of those" I said mentally flipping my hair "Uhm 1st off your dad asked me to tell him what was up with you two i got karl to tell me. 2nd I didnt even get any pictures so I dont know what youre talking about." Wtf? Today is so wacky "What do you mean you didnt who the fuck did then???" I was lowkey more scared maybe it was that ghost stalker  thing i have "I dont know.."

*The night when dreams dad asked techno and its technos pov*
I was waiting at the park where Dreams dumb dad asked me to meet him and im lowkey scred cuz im not friends with dream anymore and i lowkey make fun of dream did he go and be a tattletail ass and get his dad  to jump me or something? Anyways he came over FINALLY. "Hi." Im scared of him if i was 4 i'd pee myself. "Uhm.. hi...!" I backed away a little "Why did you want me at the park... At night... Where nobody can see.. uhm.." At this point i was scared for my life i mean this man could totally kill me in just one hit but then how would i get to see my brothers fail at life and stuff? Thats what kept me strong which sounds really stupid but i have to see them fail at life in order to live so i kinda get ready to fight but he chuckled like the evil villain is about to kill someone and said "Im not gonna fight you. I just want to know what going on between Dream and his little friend, George was it? Yeah they seem close whats going on with them" Okay 1st off i dont know? I dont fucking care either and second this is like a huge extreme amount of wrongness what dad does this? Anywas "I dont know i always see them together. Theyre friends probably?" I was still scared "Hm. No. Theyre more than that. Tell me the truth" This nosy ass bitch "I think i am..? They could be boyfriends i dont know and if im honest I dont really care. Im going home." And i went home. (I feel like adding the rest of his fam for more stuff to write about) "Youre out late" The light turned on when i walked in and i thought it was gonna be our dad but it was just wilbur so i let out a sigh because hes so annoying. "Hi. Wilbur. Why are you up?" "Why are YOU up?" He has these dumb fucking glasses that he always adjusts it makes him look like a nerd which he IS but it makes him look more like one. "Dreams dumb dad wanted to talk to me about dream." I said and i started to stomp up the stairs but wilbur just KEPT ON GOING! "Did you guys fight or something? I feel like dreams dad could eat you" "What..? Wilbur what the fuck go to bed but no we didnt fight he wanted to know if he was gay or something." I went to my room but he followed me in "Dreams gay?" He said sitting on the floor hes so annoying. "I dont KNOW. And leave i have to go to bed and youre too loud" I said and started to lay down "Okay fine goodnight." And he finally left so i could fucking sleep and i did

*Fade back into techno and dream dreams pov*
Someone came up behind us and put their hand on our shoulders and when i tell you i jumped my heart was racing. "Uhm. Hi sorry to bother you but my name is fundy and uhm im new but im lost can you guys help me?" Me and technoblade both looked at eachother in a silent agreement and helped him find his class and showed him around iwth the extra time and come to think of it ive never seen george today hm oh well.

Okay! So this is an actual fast chapter which is so cool and so like yeah nothing to really see i liked this chapter and writing it and i like writing about technoblades house and shit which is weird and i dont even like egorge in this he was supposed to be a main charector but NO because i hate him. so bratty. If you want a dnf breakup say so becasue i welcome it with open arms.anyways that vid is the one techno is talking about

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