13 ;)

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*dreams pov*
Me and Fundy have been getting along so much, I really like him! In a friend way of course he's my bestest friend I'm so glad I met him! Everytime I say he's my best friend to technoblade he laughs at me. I can tell he thinks Fundy likes me but that's obviously not true.

*Fundys pov*
I love dream. I'm 100% in love with him but he says I'm just a friend which is the worst feeling in the world I still love him and I believe one day he'll see I love him too... I just don't think he's ready for a boyfriend yet I mean George just broke up with him he's just not ready for a relationship yet and that's okay even if its kinda sad.. But after school one day I went to technoblade "Hey! Do you think I have a chance with dream" I said to him when I walked up to him. He snorted at me which made me kind of embarrassed I mean did he like dream too and he was gonna tell me to stay away from dream? I've had that happen to me before but a girl was the one who told it to me.. ANYWAYS After he did that he said "I don't know for sure but if you give him a little bit I'm sure he'd start to like you.. I'm just not sure because of the George breakup thing but maybe! If he ever says he wants a new boyfriend you should go for it" Very helpful.im being serious with that by the way "Don't you like him?" I said kind of sadly, He stayed silent for a bit and i thought we'd be rivals. "Uhm. No?? What the fuck did I do that made you think I like him like that 🤮 Oh my God that's disgusting. No. I don't like him like that." He said while pretending to be sick "Okay good I thought we'd be like enemy's.. uhm thank you for like telling me you don't like him and stuff" I said awkwardly.. he said of course and then someone pulled up, I 5hink it was his dad, and he got in so I walked home happily to write about dream in my notes app

*Dreams pov again*
I went home after school and I was behind Fundy and Technoblade, I 2as far enought to the point where I couldn't hear what the were saying but I knew they were talking. If I'm honest they seem like a couple i think they're secretly dating I'd support them y'know they'd be a good couple then technoblade got in philzas car and Fundy looked so happy!! It made me smile for some reason and then I went home happily even though George broke up with me a while ago and 3ven thought my first and last class I have with him..I hope we change seats soon. anyways I thought about inviting Fundy and Technoblade over but its only Thursday so it tomorrow!!

Sorry this chapter is shorter than the last ones but I'm going to make the sleepover its whole chapter so this one isn't like 1 million words. I warn you in advance that it might take a long time to get out  so don't expect it to be super fast OwO anyways check out my other story its Dream Stan x Dream anti enemies to lovers youd love it I can tell

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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