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*Georges pov*
He kissed me. DREAM. WITH A GIRLFRIEND. KISSED ME. I pulled away "You have a girlfriend don't you?" I said, I was slightly sad that he had one. "Yeah. I do. But I think I like you George.." IWHEOQHKDOWHDOWOBCJSIDG????????? DREAM LIKES ME?!? "Well what about her?" I said obviously freaked out. My crush liked me back. "I'll think about it, I'll tell my parents and then I'll tell my girlfriend when I'm ready" "Does this mean we're secret boyfriends?" I said very excited about all this "Yeah" he said happily, after that we went to bed. I did say I was tired but dream is literally now my boyfriend. My SECRET boyfriend. I ended up falling asleep though.

*dreams pov*
I woke up, before it didn't hit me what I had said and done last night nut when I fully woke up I was so fucking nervous and scared. The guy that was my gay awakening, who poured water on me, used to be my best friend, is now my boyfriend. Maybe we were both just tired, so when he wakes up we'll both be like 'oh yeah we were both just messing around? Nice nice " and we forget about the kiss and go back to how things were before! Not saying I like us better as friends, I really have a crush of George and I can tell he has a crush on me too. But I said I'd tell my parents and my GIRLFRIEND?! She makes fun of Karl and he isn't even openly gay. Then George woke up, he looked so adorable. Maybe I'm just over thinking things.. "Hi dream" He said tiredly, we went on with the rest of our day, we talked a lot though the weekend and it turns out I AM ready for this, and to be dating George. Now all George needs to do is be friends with sapnap! I'm already friends with both of his friends. Sorta. Sapnap is my bro, I tell him everything, literally though. I told him about George and shit, literally something I would never tell anyone else. I know he would never judge me. When it was Monday I was hanging out with George and his friends at lunch when Jessica came over. "Dream. Recently you've barley been having any time for me. You're texts have been DRY and you always deny to hangout with me. Then I go on snap and see you're at your house! Are you cheating on me? YOURE SUCH A BITCH, DREAM." At this point everyone was staring at us, Karl and quackity had stepped away, ending up near Sapnap, and I could tell people were recording. I wanted to tell her, I really did but I wanted to do it somewhere private, somewhere where people Wouldnt be recording.. Then George stood up. Is he gonna tell people?!

*George's pov*
I stood up. I had seen something a month ago, before I started even talking to dream. "Says you. I saw you at the restaurant last month, y know ____________? That's the one you were at, when you two got done you two kissed. If anything YOURE the cheater Jessica." Dream sat there, staring at Jessica, the woman he used to love like ten weeks ago was cheating on him since last month. Jessica stared back at me. Everything was quiet, you could probably hear a pin drop. Then she started sobbing, it was so awkward, then she ran off. I felt bad for exposing her but I felt like he needed to know that..

*Jessicas pov* (this is probably the only time I will do this btw)
George said all that stiff about me cheating, I was somewhat glad he didn't say who they were or I would've gone from being popular so being a total loser. The truth is I know about dream and George. Karl told me. I never said anything because I'm basically the same as dream, I have a Girlfriend, she's my bestest friend and my girlfriend, Puffy. Speaking of her, She came in to check on me, since I had ran off. She was comforting me and I was really happy I had a Girlfriend like her.

*crowds pov* (kinda just 3rd person)
Everyone was whispering and very confused about what just happened, it wasn't long until everyone  went back to what they were doing.

*dreams pov*
A couple week after all that went down at lunch, me and Jessica stopped talking to eachother. But I felt like we had to talk. So I texted her "Hey, we should talk" and Awhile layer she responded "Yeah. We should."

Also I said I post daily but some annoying ass told me to to post this today. 🙄 be grateful I'm feeding you guys. Ill think if I should count this as tmrws post or if I should count this as two posts for today but still😝

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