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*dreams pov (I'm tired of that stupid text changer thing)*
I ran to my room once technoblade RUDELY told my parents about me and George. Its not like we're even dating right now. I think. About 30 minutes later my mom came in and sat on my bed, "Hi clay.." She said awkwardly and I didn't say anything just later in my bed. "Listen I'm not mad at you.. It just surprised me :/ I support you and your boyfriend. Even if your dad doesn't" she said patting my knee. "we're not even dating" I grumbled (Like a tummy hehe) "I think he broke up with me because he was really mad at me for not talking to him for that week we had the week off and when I did he was really mad and then he hasn't talked to me since" and I sighed "Is dad like gonna kick me out because its.not like it'll affect me in football it would be the same as how Jessica was except not a cheerleader and not a girl and Georges friends are cheerleaders I think that's basically the same and he actually liked me, Jessica said she didn't ever love me and I found out she was cheating on me and for a long time too." "I don't think he'll kick you out in sure to the worst he'll do is ignore you for around a week" She said now shaking my knee (Yk what I mean like the reassuring knee thing moms they do in movies?) I sighed and didn't respond and she left. Dinner was really awkward nobody said anything. Until my dad said something, "Clay. I expect you to get better grades. I saw your report card and your failing every single class except P.E. I don't want you getting distracted with after school stuff, I contacted your coach and we talked and once you get your grades to atleast an A-, you're off of the team." He said very very very sternly "And I don't want your boyfriend in my house every again. Its bad an enough having one *fslur* in the house." he added, sighing after. "PAUL." My mom yelled as I started crying "LOOK AT HIM YOU MADE HIM CRY." "Real men don't cry. But I guess he's not a real man if he's kissing them." He said chuckling (Homophobic people make me laugh so hard just know I'm laughing while writing this) I stomped up to my room and locked myself in it, my patents argued for a while and then I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up with a headache and I lazily got ready, "if George wasn't gonna talk to me ill try talking to him." I thought and I drove to school. When I got there technoblade came up to me "Hey Clay. How's it going." he said. I ignored him because he's a BITCH. "THATS NOT VERY NICE TO IGNORE YOUR FRIENDS CLAY" He yelled after me but I still ignored him, on my way down the hall everyday I pass George. Once I did I stopped him, "Hey George" He just ignored me and kept walking, I followed him "George this is like really important so like technoblade told my parents that I'm gay and my mom accepts me but my dad doesn't and he was like being really rude about it anyways" "Listen are you almost done? I have somewhere to be clay." he said cutting me off "Yeah I was getting there. He said that I have to get at least an A- and I'm kicked off the team so can you please help me Study so I can get back on to team and we can actually talk to each other" George stared at me "Fine." He said "We can talk in class alright?" He said and walked away. I cheered in my head and went to class.

Tbc whore.
I don't know why I make the title just the numbers of the chapter I always hate that but I don't have enough brain power to think of one, I didn't know if I should make The dnf couple breakup Or get back together so I got my trusty wheel and it chose they don't break up hehe

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