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*This has all just been dreams pov but I'm still saying its dreams pov*

I got to the class me and George sit next to in and he passed me a note "What classes do you need help with?" I can't lie and say just one so I wrote back "all of them :)" He giggled and the teacher stopped what she was doing "What's so funny George." She said "Um nothing miss 😁" He said hiding the paper but it was like obvious he was hiding something. "What are you hiding?" She started walking over "I'm not hiding anything" he said nervously, everyone was looking at us "I'm not stupid George, you're a good kid. Did Clay said you a rude note? Hand it over please." (I was debating saying rude note but I had no other ideas on how to word it. I cringed writing that.) Since we didn't have anything bad in the note George thought about it and decided to give it to her, she glared at me and So opened the note "Oh. Clay I'm sorry for assuming thing but George this is something for after class." She said throwing away the note "Alright" George said awkwardly and class went on boringly. After class it was lunch (You can pretend what period they were in but I imagine third because my lunch was after third period at my school 😭) On the way to the lunchroom we didn't really talk but when we sat down we did "That teacher is so annoying. Anyways you need help with all your classes? Its really close to the end of the year." He said eating an orange. "My dad is forcing me to get my grades up uhm... Here's my report card" I showed him my report card which was all F-'s except P.E. He laughed so hard he started choking "HOW THE HELL DO YOU PULL THAT OFF?!?!?M!" He finally got out after he finished Laughing his ass off, Karl and quackity sat down when George looked at the report card again and started laughing harder "What's so funny" Quackity asked and Karl nodded. "LOOK AT HIS REPORT CARD" he slid it to them and they started laughing their asses off too. "its not that funny." I said snatching back My report card they laughed for like 15 more minutes "SORRY SORRY.. LETS START WITH.......ENGLISH" He and Quackity and Karl tried to help me the whole lunch but I only got some of it, it was really hard. "Can I come over after school to help you more?" George said when the bell rang, getting all his stuff. Quackity and Karl already left "Uhhh, yeah!" I said nervously. "But we're gonna have to sneak you in I'm uh grounded" "That's alright!" He said going to class. Shit.

After sneaking him in my room we studied it was really fucking boring. And hard. After a while it was starting to get dark "I need to get home now" he said getting his stuff packed. "I can walk you home!" I said happily just wanting to spend more time with him, "Okay!" he said, I snuck him back out and walked him home "Bye clay" He said and then kissed my cheek😍😍😍 "Bye george😍😍😍" I said and kissed him too😘😘😘 and he went onside and then I went home but on my way home I felt like someone was watching me I obviously looked around I couldn't see anyone🤷
When I got home my dad was waiting for me again.

Ugh tbc
I have no notes other than sorry for accidentally posting this earlier this one felt really short Idkwhy but it had to end at some point so I had to bust out Tue emojis to pull myself through that ending😡

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