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Dream >:(

So at lunch STILL! NO! GEORGE! So i check my phone to see if he texted me and he did when i woke up i didnt see which was true he said "Im sick i cant go to school today" And then a couple more texts that was like like "Are you there" So oops I always answer fast but uhm i feel like its too late now so ill just say i didnt get them when hes back tomorrow hehe! But anyways I sit and lunch with Technoblade and jessica everyone wants to be friends now. Anyways there was no Quiackity or karl which was okay because I think theyre kind of annoying. Anyways we were eating and I took this day as a break i mean i hate studying but ill go back to studying tomorrow! There was someone who came up behind me and technoblade again "Hi!" It was Fundy! "Hi. You can sit down" Technoblade said and the he scooted over but i dont know why because there was room other places but its okay hehe and the rest of the day was really fun with technoblade and fundy and in my opinion better than if george was there and I forgot i had to talk to my dad today for the rest of the day and maybe thats why technoblade was so funny today because he was trying to distract me or maybe he just already is its very hard to tell uhm anyways so I went home and forgot about my dad until i wanted in and saw him at the table and i wanted to run right out and at first he didnt see me so i thought i could get away but then he saw me so UGH "hello Clay.." he said and ugh its so awkward "Uhm hi....!" I was just tryna LEAVE "I have something to tell you clay" Bitch i know you do thats why youre here. "What is it." "Im.... Im transgender...." O.......M.........G?????????????? Out of all the things i was expecting this was not one of them. "Oh uhm i support you I wasnt expecting this" I am in true utter shock my this oh my god? "Yeah uhm thats one of the reasons why me and your mom are getting a divorce.." Wow uhm this is very instresting erm "Well Yeah i support you so like.. yeah" So after that (i dont know what happens after someone comes out) We hung out more and then she left so i went to my room and slept thinking about what the fuck hapened today but the second i was about to fall asleep i remembered george. I forgot about george and now im so nervous for tommorow now that made me shoot awake i wasnt tired anymore so i got out my computer and watched movies  until i fell asleep.

In the morning i woke up way more nervous than i was last night I dont know what george is gonna say to me i mean like i ignored him all of yesterday and he just seems a lot more angrier lately. Idk.. But i felt so nervous that i couldnt even eat anything so i skipped breakfast and i know ill regret that later but still. Anyways The whole way to school i felt like i was gonna throw up but someone put a cork down my throat so i couldnt actually vomit. I hate this feeling so much. I got to school and someone greeted me. I thought it was gonna be George and i felt my soul leave my fucking body. "Hey" IT WAS TECHNOBLADE My soul re entered my body "Hi.." Man i sounded so awkward "Are you okay you sound nervous. Is it about what your dad said to you yesterday?"He said and GUESS WHAT!!!!  He wememberd :pleading emoji: Uhm anyways i dont know what that was about but I said "Uhm no not really but it was really weird uhm she told me shes transgender" I dont know if technoblade is transphobic or not now we'll see "Oh okay I accept him" He said but now this is really awkwad i dont know why but anyways he said "You still sounded nervous when i came up to you whats wrong" he is such a nice friend my lord "Oh its just yesterday when george couldnt come in to school he texted me but i didnt see iit and then I did but i just ignored it and now i think hes gonna be really annoyed today and im just nervous" I said and i was getting nervouser the more i talk and the more i think about it. And to top it all off technoblade looked like the grimance emoji. Ugh "Dude hes coming here now and i just remembered i have stuff to do!" He said and then he left and i fucking froze up fr i was so fucking nervous and then george came up to me "Clay." MANNNNNNNN everything was going in slowmotion since that and i felt myself feeling way more sicker "Uhm... hi george!" "Dont hi george me whyd you ignore me and then you saw the messages and you just didnt even respond." Oh my god oh my god i have no idea what to say or what to or say or anything like that likei dont have an explanation "And now youre ignoring me now too? I think we should break up Clay obviously we're not in love anymore" he said and lowkey people were staring now "No i dont want to do that george it was an accident i felt to bad so i ignored you im sorry it doesnt make sense now but i thought it did then and im really sorry" I said but like i feel like this has been going on for an hour. "Dont even bother. Im done with you." He said and then he stomped away.  I stoof there for probably a minute but it felt like a year. Then someone else came up to my and i thought it was technoblade but when i looked it was Fundy "Uh hi are you okay? Why are you crying" He said and i didnt even know i was crying honestly i probably looked insane but i sniffled and said "No im fine. Its just my boyfriend broke up with me" "Oh.. Im sorry" He said and he hugged me and i hugged him back and the worst part is that i have my first class next to him and my last one just with him. I wish i didnt ugh.First period was really awkward and i was really sad and stuff obviously but like he couldve atleast did it at lunch. Anyways speaking of lunch i went to lunch  and sat with Fundy and Technoblade then technoblade asked me "So what happened with you and george?" Last think i wanna think about but he atleast deserves to know "He broke up with me :(" I said and technoblade hugged me and said "Its okay you'll find  someone else" And i made eye contact with fundy.

Okay some drama fr :flushed: I have an idea for another fanfic and im gonna have to update this because its not a dnf  fanfic anymore and im gonna change my acc name to just dsmp fanfic or something becsue this next fanfic i wanna do is not at all dnf related anyways hope you enjoy

Fundy x dream highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now