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*George's pov*
I opened the small piece of paper, it said 'I'm sorry I didn't know you hated coffee :)' Stupid smiley face. He'd always put a smiley face EVERYWHERE. There a fucking school account of people taking pictures where they find a smiley face. I wrote back 'Its fine, sorry for overreacting I really hate coffee.' I re-read the note and passed to him, he opened it and got really happy, like a dog or something, and messily wrote 'Its okay! My girlfriend got annoyed at me being wet, I don't know why she's overreacting.' I honestly got super excited to open the paper but he was talking about his girlfriend. My smile kind of faded I wrote back 'She's A bitch.' And gave it to him. He wrote back 'I know, also I saw your smile fade when I brought her up, do you not like her?' when he gave it to me I opened it and started to mentally panic. Did I just ruin the one chance to be friends with my crush??? I wrote back 'No' and he wrote back really quickly 'Its okay, I don't like her either. Can I tell you a secret' when I saw it I basically had a heart attack.

*dreams pov*
I gave him a note, I was really nervous because I was about to tell the random guy I might be gay. Maybe bi, I don't even know his name! Then I got the piece of paper on my desk. I opened it 'Okay fine, I hate her what's the secret?' I was super nervous. I have never been this nervous in my life my hands were all shaking and shit, he took the paper off my desk and when he gave it back to me he wrote 'You don't have to tell me' I was just really nervous I didn't know if I should tell him, what if he calls me a slur and tells the whole school. What if he tells my girlfriend what I said about her?? 'I think I'm gay' I wrote it and gave it to him, then the bell rang. I quickly got all my stuff and left, I was so fucking scared.

*George pov*
When I got the paper back on my desk and I opened it I was in pure fucking shock. He thought he was gay?!? Mentally my jaw DROPPED TO THE FLOOR. He thought he was gay, he hated his girlfriend. What if I made him think he was gay?? The bell rang and I saw him rush out. Since it was lunch at that time, i went and got lunch and decided not to tell My friends, you could tell he was nervous to tell me. Then he came up to us and Quackity spit out his drink everywhere and started choking, Karl helped him stop "Hi" I said as he sat down and looked at me seriously "Hi, can  have you're number?" And at this point Karl and Quackity were in pure shock. "yeah sure!" I said and gave him my number. Then he said "What's your name?" "George" I said and looked at him, he seemed relieved that I wasn't judging him, I wouldn't judge him I'm gay. Obviously. Then he hugged me and Karl and Quackity were silently freaking out. I hugged him back and then he kisses my cheek lightly and walked to sapnap. I blushed so hard and left, I don't know wherebut I just didn't want talk to Quackity and Karl rn.


the things that happened:
George and dream texted and passed notes all the time. Sometimes they kiss 😳 but like on the cheek, very close to eachother!
Karl and Quackity have noticed this and think they are dating (I will make a sapnap themed chapter)
Jessica has noticed the way dreams been acting (can't say anymore😳)

*Georges pov*
My parents were out for two days visiting a family member so I invited dream over! When he got there he hugged me, I let him in, we hung out for a long time just talking and messing around, I was starting to get tired so I asked dream if he wanted something to eat "Yeah sure" He said I made him some spaghetti he ate it and then I was about to go to bed but then something life changing happened..


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