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Dream.(tye pov)

Okay so I went to school and i went to go meetup with George but he was talking to someone.. TECHNOBLADE. I went up to them "Hi George!" I said but like not trying to reveal i was mad. He is literally my enemy. "Hi Clay!" He started to hold my hand "Yeah. Hi Clay. Anyways as i was saying..." i blocked out the rest of it and kinda just walked off because I dont wanna fight with Technoblade but they didnt really notice. I was walking kinda angrily whe i bumped into someone. It was Jessica. Today is just the fucking worst. "Sorry." I said helping her up "Its okay Clay" Amd she like stucked her hair behind her ear. I went to go walk away but she grabbed onto my arm "Wait" She said "I have to talk to you" I really didnt want to but UGH. "Okay.." I said obviously judgementally becasue WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS??????? Anyway. She did not get the hint. "Okay so basically I wanted to say im sorry for like everything and stuff at the park aswell i was just jealous that you actually love George... and like im past it now and i was wondering if you wanted to be friends again.." Who does this bitch think she is. I know technoblades only hanging out around george to try and make me jealous but its not going to work becxase if im friends with Jessica then technoblade will get the hint and back off!! "Yeah sure" I said and then the bell thankfully rang and i dashed to class so happy to be next to george hehe!

Me and george passed notes all class just talkig about random stuff but he never alked about where i went that morning or what him and technoblade were talking about. Its fine though. I guess. But i am NOT jealous. Until we went to lunch. Guess who the surprise was at the table. TECHNOBLADE. IM GONNA LAUNCH MYSELF OFF THE BUILDING WHY IS HE HERE DOESNT GEORGE KNOW THAT WE HATE EACHOTHER DOES HE WANT ONE OF US TO BE KILLED????? "Hi Clay." He sai like i do not care i just ignored him like i always do and out of  the corner of my eye i saw him roll his eyes like bitch do not to that to me he has been getting on my nerves all day im about to turn into the mean girls animal world scene when caty pounces on regina. I surpsessed my urges to kill him and ignored him THE BEST I COULD. So like rememeber when my dad basically said i was stupid and that i need my grades up which MAY be true but still rude. Anyways back to what i was saying, So george was helping e with my work and teaching me and shit and technoblade just HAAAD to butt in and say "Thats so easy " and "Youre kinda dumb clay" LIKE MY FACE WAS TURNING RED YOU HEAR ME???? RED. So i still just ignored him and all this time george was like LAUGHING???????????????????????????????? HE WAS LAUGHING AT ME BASICALLY Ugh life sucks. Just in time to be saved JESSICA comes and sits down! *Angelic  haas play* And she sid "Hi Clay whats up :)" And you already know everyone at the table was like teh zipper mouth emoji, or the no mouth emoji okay??? Like they all shut right up real fast "Hi Jessica" And i scooted a little to the side to make space for her but it didnt do much but its the thought that counts. Either way she sat next to me and george continued helping me and i could tell he was a little confused or maybe more like a lot confused i would be too.. anyways sometimes Jessica would help too and technoblade never made jokes again THAT DAY. Anyways after the bell rang again i went to class and i got home in a bad mood cuz in my last class i have it with technoblade and george which may not be SOOO bad but like becasue of recent events i was not looking forward to it. They were talking as always today and when i got home like i said i was in a bad mood  AND ugh i alway feel like someones watching me when i walk home and when i go to school. Anyways i walked in the door angrily and  my mom saw "Whats wrong clay" She asked and i didnt really wanna talk to her but shes my mom so i said "I just had a bad day at school and stuff" Man I just wanna go to my ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM "Oh im sorry hunny.. Your friend technoblade called when he got home by the way! He said he wanted to meet you at the park after dinner :)" She walked away and i was just sitting there because what POSSIBLY could he want.

So after dinner I go on down to the park and i dont see him and this park is boring as hell nothing to do to pass the time but there was swings so i swung and it was like 45 minuets past dinner but maybe when my mom said after dinner she meant after he had dinner but i dunno. I was just about to leave when he finally came and if im honest i thought it was juts a prank or something but i was kind of happy to see him JUST. Because I was waiting so long "Hey clay" He said but this time he didnt sound like a bitch"Why did you ask me to come here? and what took you so long??I was just about to leave." Wasting so much of my time. "Dont be annoying. Anyways I thought it would be cool if we were like not enemys anymore becuase THINK ABOUT IT" I dont really want to. "We would be so popular both of us and everyone would love us and like basically we'd be so cool together but i didnt wanna tell you at school because there so many people and so like also it would be cooler if it happened over night so yes or no"  i have to think long and heard about this cuz maybe thats why he was all over george today in that case i feel bad for kinda using Jessica but anyway it WOOOUUULLLLDDDD be a little cool i guess..... "Yeah sure." I said bad bitchly " :D Alright cool!" He said and then he walked away all that just to ask to be frriends again. I went home kinda angrily and my mom was asleep by then so i felt kinda bad incase she was waiting for me but i just went to my room and went to bed

Sorry for taking so long to do chapters sometimes i forget about this fic and just dont feel like doing it becasue like i said in the last chapter i think I dont like dsmp anymoe so writing a fic about something you dont like anymore is like ugh but the show must go on so dont think ill stop updating! The story might go all over the place because i know nothing about any of the members anymore and im mosting turning this into a joke i mean halfway through i thought "Should i make dream become a femboy with fluffy heals and a fluffy diary?" Be glad i ddint go that route. Also the reason thats the song is becasue they EAT THIS UPPPPP Anyways enjoy your chapter HEHE

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