15. Last day together

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Today is the day. Last day of school. Graduation and Ariana's party. And tomorrow is the day they're all moving. It's way to fast. But tomorrow is also the day i was suppose to move to LA with Nash.. But i don't know where we stand right now. I mean. I told him to take care, and that means were kinda done. But i never said the we're over. Did i?

I stood up took on the nicest clothes i found which was black jeans, a white casual shirt and my with converse. I did my makeup a little extra than usual. Mascara, eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, pink lipstick and some comtouring and highlighting. I straightend my hair and curled the ends. I put it up in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen.

I didn't eat because i was so sad. My life was kind of over..

I downloaded vine to see Nashs videos. I've heard of it yeah but i haven't really used it. And i don't think any of my friends has vine either.. Because they didn't know he was famous. Or they didn't tell me they knew at least..


It's time to go to school...

I was driving ti school as i heard my phone get a ton of messages. I looked at it and saw it was from Nash. I stopped at a paking lot just to read them.

Skylar i'm sorry but please let's not breakup let's talk about it. Please don't think about what happened last night today please i want you to be happy (:

Can you forgive me for everything i've done to you?

I'm sorry Skylar i really am. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for making you sad.

I love you.. & miss you..


I didn't respond. And he was right. I shall be happy or spend the last day of high school with my bestfriends. I can't be sad over him the last day. I can't.

I parked my car at the parking lot. As i sighed and said "i'm gonna miss this." And walked out of my car.

I walked into the hallways and everyone greeted me with smiles and even hugs. Weird. But i did it back.

"Skylar?" Maddie said and grabbed my arm. "What?" I said. "I'm sorry for everything i've done to you the past 4 years let's forget about it?" She smiled. "Sure" i smiled as she gave me a hug. "Thanks bye" she smiled and walked away.

Like wow. So the person that's been hating me the most just said sorry to me. I never tought this would ever happen.

"Skylar Shanley Jones" Ariana yelled and ran towards me with all of my other friends. "Omg i'm gonna miss you guys so much" i hugged them all. "same.. But let's not think about that now.. Let's get to our last classes together" Shawn said as we walked to our forst period. We had the first period together every friday.

*last period*

"Okay students so it's your last day together so i want you all to go out talk to people you haven't talked to and tell them goodbye go have some fun will ya?" Mr. Aleck said. We all walked outside and the first thing i saw was Nash and Cody. They were talking and laughing.

I caught myself staring when Nash looked at me and gave me a little smile. I didn't smile back. I just walked far away and talked to people i had classes with. Gave people hugs. Some people even told me how much they're gonna miss me. I don't even hangout with any of them but it was sweet of them to say.

I found Ariana and Maddie talking together like what is happening with her???? She's nice?

I was about to say hi to them as i got a text.

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