16. Goodbye...

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"Moring Shanley" i woke up by Nash's raspy morning voice say. "Don't call me that" i yawned and rubbed my eyes. "We're moving today" he said kissing my forhead. "Yeah" i sighed and got up.

It's sad that we're leaving.. That my friends and i will be apart. We're all going away. We will no longer be the squad. We will no longer gossip about bad teatchers and preppy ass anoying girls... We'll be far away from eachoter every single one of us. We will get new friends and so.. But i don't know about me really.. Will i get new friends?

I finished my hair, makeup and morning ruitine and took on a baggy red lace- ish dress and some boots.

"Are you ready? do you have all of your stuff?" Nash said ready to leave.

"Yeah" i sighed as we locked our apartment , and walked out with the last things we had left. Into the car.

I'm so excited to leave Utah. To leave all of the bad memories behind. But it's also sad. I've had the best days of my life here. And i met my bestfriends here. Plus i almost got a baby. I was suppose to be a mom. But to be honest i'm glad i'm not. I don't want to have a baby with brad. I want to have a baby when i'm ready and when i have a strong and good relationship with Nash. I at least hope me and Nash will stay together forever and that he keeps his promises.

"Skylar what's wrong?" Nash said. I didn't even notice i was crying but i was. I was crying hard.

"It' just.. I'm... Like i'm gonna miss my friends so much i've been with them for over 4 years. I've seen them everyday for four years and some of them almost my whole life. And now.. Everything is changing" i cried. "I know how you feel Sky.. But i'm here for you. You'll be alright i promise" he rubbed my tigh.

He stopped outside Ariana's house where all of my friends and Ariana were waiting. This is our last time seeing eachoter all together for a long time..

I took a deep breath and walked out of the car.

"Skylar Shanley Jones" Ariana laughed. "Ariana Allie Cloud" i said with tears in my eyes.

"Guys this is our last time togethter. In a long time" Andrea cried as we all stood in a ring hugging. "Everything is changing. We are all changing. But ya'll will always be my main squad. The squad that made my highschool life amazing. I'll never forget any of you. You'll all be in my heart. And we'll meet again someday okay ?" Brook said. "We'll always be like this" i wiped away my tears and crossed two of my fingers.


"Oh no i have to go" Andrea hugged us and drove away with, cody, Sophie, Kelly, Andrew and Cameron. Because they were all going the same way but not to the same states or colleges.

"Damn it's hard" i cried. "It sure is" Shawn said. "Remember when we all first started hang out?" Taylor laughed. "Jeez yeah we were so awkward" Brooke laughed. "I love ya'll, but i need to go. Bye" Shawn said. "Yeah me and Alexandra is going the same way" Brooke cried. "God have a great time ya'll love ya" i hugged them.

Now there is only me Ariana and Taylor left.

"Gals" Taylor said hugging us tight. "As much as i want to stay i gotta go. But i'll see you soon right?" He said smiling. "Sure" me and ari said at the same time. As we watched him leave.

Nash got back into his car as me and Ariana said goodbye.

"Skylar Shanley Jones.. Oh god i'm gonna miss saying that to you everyday" she cried. I hugged her and said "I wish i could come with you Cloud". She pulled away and said "Jones i can't go, i can't move away from you i can't go to Nevada without you! It feels like i'm breaking up with my bestfriend, i feel like if i move i'm loosing myself. I'm losing my life because you are my life. I've known you since kindergarten how on earth can i move all the way to Nevada from you?" She cried. "Ari.. I know how you feel it's hard for me too but we have to let go and we will still be bestfriends Ariana. We will always be. And this change. People change. Life change. But if life goes on, therefore, so must you. Ariana get your ass over to Nevada have a fun ass time. And we'll meet again okay i promise Ariana" i hugged her.

"I love you Skylar" she cried. "I love you to Ariana" i cried and
Smiled to her as she walked to her car. She started her car and looked at me. "You'll always be in my heart skykar shanley Jones" i smiled and answered "and you'll always be in mine Cloud" i smiled and watch her drive.

Every secound she drove, made the distance bigger and bigger.

I sat into the car and looked at Nash. "I'm glad i still have you though" i kissed him. "You'll always have me babe" he kissed back and started to drive to LA.

A new chapter in life is starting.. And now this chapter is ending.. New chapter, new life.

Something i've learned on this crazy ass life of mine is that you always has to be strong say what you mean and do what you have to do to get what you want. And if you do. If you do fight for someone you want, it's pure love .

Never give up on your life., no matter what happens..


Okay ya'll so now i'm done with this story.. I feel like it's trashy but idek. But i do know that i'm not the best wroter but thank you to the ones who actually do read this :) it makes me want to write even more:)

But i'm goig to write a new story it's called ' Toxic Boys ' and it's a daddy G fanfic 😂 no but for real it's a Jack Gilinsky story so if ya wanna read it i appreciate it 😘

Hope you liked this story😊

XoXo Hailey 💘

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