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5 hours later....

"So? Is she okay?" Rachel asked as she looked towards Dr Kohl.

"She's in recovery now. I managed to get the entire clot out with little to no issue at all. Obviously we won't know if she still has full motor and eye control until she wakes up." Dr Kohl says.

"Can we see her?" Rachel asks as Dr Kohl nods.

"She's still anaesthetised and will be for quite some time. We will be moving her down to paediatric ICU in the next few hours." Dr Kohl explained.

"ICU? Intensive care?" Rachel said as her voice quivered.

"Yes. It's the best place for her currently. She can be watched 24/7 and have the care she needs instantly." Dr Kohl explained.

"But you're welcome to come and sit with her." She smiled as she lead the two through several doors before entering the recovery ward.

"Here she is, I'll give you some time alone." Dr Kohl said as she got paged.

Due to the operation, they had to shave half of her hair off. On the top of her head there was a large pad of gauze, then on top of that around her head was a bandage to help keep the wound dry and clean.

"Her hair...." Rachel said softly as she sat down beside Madeleine.

"It'll grow back." Will said softly.

Her other injuries had also been attended to. Her femur was now casted in a hip cast, her jaw had been wired shut, her wrist in a cast (blue, just like Elsa'a dress) and her eye had been covered with a patch. Her cuts had been cleaned and covered up too.

Some bruises were already appearing, wicked shades of blacks and blues.

"She looks so small, so weak." Rachel said as she took hold of Madeleine's hand.

A nearby nurse saw them and came over.

"You should head home, she's stable and you both look shattered." She suggested as Will and Rachel exchanged glances.

"She'll be well looked after, and she won't even know that you've gone." She encouraged.

"Okay, but can you call if there's any change?" Will asked.

"Of course." The nurses smiled as she started taking Madeleine's observations.

"Come on, let's go and get the twins and go home." Will said softly as he placed a kiss on Madeleine's cheek.

They left the hospital and made a quick detour to pick up Everleigh and Alex.

"Hey, how's Madeleine?" Finn asked as he opened the door and beckoned them inside.

"She's stable. She got out of the OR around 20 minutes ago." Will explained.

"Where are the twins?" Rachel questioned.

"Asleep in my bed. They were watching paw-patrol but fell asleep half way through. Guys, if it's easier I can kept them for a while. Going back and forth from home each day is bound to upset them." Finn suggested.

"You don't need to do that Finn." Will said softly.

"I know but is the least I can do. Especially as you've both done so much for me over these past few years. Let me help. Let me take that pressure off of you." Finn pleaded.

"Only if you're sure." Rachel said as she agreed.

" I am." Finn nodded.

"You can stay at ours. We have a spare room. It'll be less of an upheaval for them." Will said as he stood.

" I'll go and wake them." He said coldly.

"Sorry about him. It's been a long day and he's in a lot of pain. Not that, that excuses him." Rachel apologised.

"It's fine. Don't apologise. Like you said it's been a long day. I'll go help Will with the twins and then I'll pack a bag." Finn said as he walked into his bedroom, leaving Rachel alone in the living room.

Alone for the first time since the reveal of the accident, Rachel allowed herself to digest what had happened.

It all felt like a blur, like it was happening to someone else and she was watching on.

"Mama..." Everleigh said sleepily as she toddled in bleary eyed.

"Everleigh..."Rachel gasped as she brought her into her arms, tears in her eyes.

"Mommy's here baby girl, and she's never going anywhere." Rachel said as she reassured the little girl.

She never wanted to let her or Alex go again. It's shaken her to the core, how quick life can change in just the blink of an eye. How quick a life can be altered forever.

"Ma'ye?" Everleigh whined as she looked around frantically.

"She's... She's not here my love. She's not well." Rachel says as her eyes begin to water as Everleigh burrowed her head in the crook of her neck.

A few minutes later, Will returned with Alex in his arms.

He too was holding on tightly to their son.

It was evident that the ramifications of the accident and the trauma would be felt for a long time to come. This wasn't something that would go away, it was something that would continue to haunt them for a long time to come.

The car ride home was eerily silent. It was if the words they wanted to say had be taken away from them.

The group entered Will and Rachel's house and the pain of not having Madeleine with them, hit like a wave.

Will entered first and despite his own injuries and pain, he went to start tidying up.

Holding a now sleeping Alex in her arms, she took hold of Will's wrist firmly.

"That can wait" she whispered.

Looking around at all the toys, books, song lyrics and laundry made her shiver. It was like they had entered a parallel universe and they were looking at a different life.

Shaking herself out of her immersion, she entered the twins nursery and gently placed Alex into his crib. The last thing they needed was for the twins to wake up. 

She handed him his pacifier and blanket and kissed his forehead gently before leaving. As she went to leave the room Finn entered with a frightened Everleigh.

"Sorry I would've tried to settle her myself but she looks terrified so I feel comfort would be best coming from you". Finn apologised as he handed the toddler over.

"It's okay, she wouldn't of settled anyways. She's going through a clingy stage at the moment and is picky with who she likes" Rachel replies as she sits down in the rocking chair and started to rock softly.

"Would you be able to check on Will? You know what he's like. He never admits he's in pair or suffering. If he's in pain, there's some Advil or Motrin in the top cupboard by the fridge. Make sure he takes some if he needs it" Rachel instructs as Finn nods before leaving.

10 minutes later, she managed to settle Everleigh back down.

As she was exiting the twins room, she heard a smash, as if a glass had been broken.

She ran towards the kitchen, afraid of what she would be about to see.

What she saw practically brought her to her knees.

To be continued....

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