Day one.

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"Wake upppppp!" Alex said as he smacked Finn in the face.

"Well, good morning to you too Alex." Finn laughed as he swooped him into his arms.

"Where mama?" Alex asked as Finn walked into the Kitchen to see Rachel awake, spooning some Oatmeal into Everleigh's open mouth.

"Mama!" Alex exclaimed.

"Hey 'Lex " Rachel said, calling her son one of his many nicknames.

"Did Will come back?" Finn asked as he placed Alex into his highchair before buckling him in.

Rachel shook her head.

"Not yet. I'm going to head to the hospital shortly, if you're okay to have the twins?" Rachel asked.

"Of course. I'm meeting up with Puck, Mike, Artie and Sam later. They'd love to see them both." Finn half smiled.

"Tell them I say hi." Rachel replied as she wiped Everleigh's mouth.

"Of course." Finn said as he handed Alex a slice of Banana.

At the hospital-

"Is there any update?" Rachel asked as she sat down beside Will.

"Her ICP spiked three or four times throughout the night. They think she might be having some seizure activity so they want to do an MRI and a brain monitor overnight." Will replied.

"How are the twins?"Will asks after few minutes.

"Settled. They're loving having Finn around, especially Alex, he's really bonded with Finn. Finn's taking them to meet up with some of the Glee boys later, so I'm sure they'll have a whale of a time." Rachel replied.

"I'm glad they're having fun." Will said softly as he looked towards Madeleine.

"She looks so small." Rachel said shakily, her voice quivering.

"Too small." Will replied.

"Hi. I'm Dr Grey and I'll be performing Madeleine's EEG." Dr Grey said as she introduced herself.

"Do you have any questions before I begin?" She asked.

"What will be the next step if she is having seizures?" Will asked.

"If she's having seizures, then we can try and medicate her to see if that controls them. But let's not get too into that just yet." Dr Grey said as she asked another doctor to prepare the probes before putting them on Madeleine's head.

"What should we look out for seizure wise?" Rachel asked.

"Giving that she's comatose, the symptoms may differentiate slightly. Normally you'd have symptoms such as zoning out or vacantness, whereas with someone that is comatose you'd be looking more towards an elevated heart rate, pulse and in some cases, shaking." Dr Grey said calmly.

"I'll come and check on her in a bit. The EEG should pick up any traces of seizures, but in the mean time, get some rest. You're no use to her being exhausted." Dr Grey said as she and the nurse left.

"Mummy and Daddy are here baby girl. You are being so brave and we are so proud of you." Rachel said softly as Madeleine's heart rate increased.

"And when you get home, you can dress up as Elsa or a Knight or a wolf-whatever you want. You can have anything Madeline, as long as you are okay." Rachel said as Madeleine's heart rate continued to climb.

"Go get a doctor, something's not right." Rachel said as Will threw himself towards the door and yelled for help.

"What's wrong?" Dr Whale said as he came running in.

"Her heart rate has continued to rise, and she feels warm to the touch, more so than normal. I've also seen her hands twitch twice." Rachel said as Madeleine's left arm twitched once again.

"Get me her most recent CT scan NOW!" Dr Whale ordered as he flashed a torch in Madeleine's eyes.

"Here." Another doctor said as he passed him the iPad.

"Hmmm. Okay." Dr Whale said as he passed the IPad back.

"We need to take her to theatre. Her IH is dangerously high, any higher and it could cause permanent severe brain damage. I'm going to fit a shunt which will drain the pressure." Dr Whale said.

"Will she be okay?" Rachel said shakily.

"It's too early to say. I'll get a nurse to bring the consent forms along shortly. Straight to theatre 3 please!" Dr Whale ordered as he left to prepare for the operation.

Two porters came along after a few minutes, wheeling Madeleine away.

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