The rainbow after the storm

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It's the same day and before Will and Rachel leave, they are going to their first prenatal appointment.

"Rachel Berry?" The nurse called out as Rachel stood.

"That's us." Rachel grinned as Will helped her stand.

"Come on, come in!" The nurse grinned.

Rachel frowned, she could've sworn she recognised the OB'S face from somewhere.

"Sorry, I have to ask... Do I know you?" Rachel asked curiously.

"I think I recognise you too." The woman smiled.

The realisation dawned upon Rachel.

"Will, this is the OB that delivered Maddie!" Rachel exclaimed excitedly.

A small smile forms on Will's face.

"Dr Galliano?" Will asked as she nodded.

"That's me. How old is she now?" She asks curiously.

"She's three." Will walked as he pulled out his phone and showed her a picture.

" Will walked as he pulled out his phone and showed her a picture

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"That was her a few days ago. She's incredible. She loves to sing, dance and make people laugh." Will explained.

"Oh she's adorable!" Dr Galliano smiled softly.

"I'm so glad she's doing well." She added.

"Now, let's get on with taking your little one's first picture!" She exclaimed excitedly.

It didn't take long to find the heartbeat.

"And there we are, just what I like to hear. A strong, healthy heartbeat." Dr Galliano smiled.

"And everything's okay?" Will asked as he clutched on to Rachel's hand.

"At 12 weeks, everything's just as I want it to be." She reassured the pair.

"Sorry, did you say 12 weeks?" Rachel asked, her eyes wide.

"Yes, why?" Dr Galliano asked, confused.

"Will..." Rachel said emotionally.

"That'd mean...The night before?" Will said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"The night before the accident." Rachel agreed as she wiped away a few tears that had appeared.

"I'm gathering that this is good news?" Dr Galliano guessed.

"Definitely." Rachel agreed.

"Fantastic. Now Rachel and Will, meet your baby." She said softly as she turned the screen towards them.

Both of them audibly gasped.

"Hello you..." Rachel said softly.

"So you're the reason why mommy's been so cranky." Will chuckled as he kissed Rachel's forehead.

"Will." Rachel said she rolled her eyes playfully.

"I just need to get a few measurements." Dr Galliano said as she turned the screen away momentarily.

Suddenly, an uncomfortable silence fell into the room.

"Is everything okay?" Will asked, sensing Rachel's anxiety and wanting her to remain calm.

"Your baby is slightly smaller than what I'd expect for this gestation. I'm not concerned, however I'd like to see you again in 4 weeks just to monitor the situation." Dr Galliano explained.

"But it's healthy?" Rachel said confused.

"Yes. The baby itself as far as I can see currently is healthy. It's just not weighing in at where it should be and I just want to air on the side of caution and monitor. It's probably nothing, but I'd much rather be overly cautious than not enough." Dr Galliano finished explaining.

"Could it be serious?" Rachel asked softly.

"Potentially. I won't know for certain until the next time I see you but there is a chance your baby could have what is called IUGR." Dr Galliano explained.

"IUGR?" Rachel said as she began to cry.

"Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Like i said, I don't want you to worry currently. Some babies are just small. And we won't know any further until I see you next time." Dr Galliano reassured Rachel and Will.

"I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but please don't panic. Until we know what we are dealing with, then it's best to just keep calm and go on with your regular day to day life." She finished explaining.

"Do you have any further questions?" Dr Galliano asked.

"If the baby does have this IUGR, what then?" Will asked.

"If the baby does have IUGR, then we will monitor you both very closely. It's treatable." Dr Galliano explained.

"Now here is the picture of your baby." She smiled, as she printed off several copies and handed them to Will.

"And I'll see you both again in four weeks." She said as she handed Rachel some paper-towels.

"Thank you." Rachel said gratefully as she cleaned herself up before disposing of the used paper.

"Should you have any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to call me." Dr Galliano said as she opened the door for them.

"Thank you so much Dr Galliano, truly." Will said gratefully.

"You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day!" She said softly as the two left.

Baby Schuester -12 weeks 4 days

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Baby Schuester -12 weeks 4 days. Due December 20th

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2024 ⏰

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