Here we go again

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"She came through brilliantly! The shunt is working perfectly and it ended up draining 10mls of fluid. Hopefully now we've taken some of that pressure away, the seizures should subside. We'll just have to wait and see what happens." Dr Whale announced as Madeleine was wheeled back inside the room.

"I'll give you three some time together." He said happily as he left.

Dr Whale had unfortunately had to shave more of her hair off, so she had been left with an awkwardly shaved buzz cut.

"Her hair..." Rachel said as her voice trailed off.

She didn't look like herself, all the bruising was well and truly starting to come out and she had wicked shades of blacks and blues and it made her look so weak and tiny in the bed.

Suddenly, Rachel's phone pinged and she was surprised to see who it was from.

Finn: HI everyone, thanks for joining. This is the 'official' group chat. This'll be used for updates on Madeleine, her progress and for organising food plus babysitting for the twins.

Mercedes: Thanks for adding me. Rachel, I've been praying for Madeleine, as have Joe, Quinn and Artie. We are all here for you, both of you.

Artie: You bet we are. Me and Kitty can look after the twins next week should you need help :)

*Will Schuester has been added to the chat.*

Will: Thanks for all the help so far guys, we both appreciate it so much and it means the world to us that we have such a loving family. Madeleine is doing okay, she had a shunt placed a few hours ago to drain the pressure from her skull and the doctors have said that they are seeing some improvement already which is good. They are hoping to take her off the ventilator in the next week or so. She's got a lot of bruises and broken bones, the worst ones being her femur and wrists. The twins would love to see you all, especially Everleigh.

Quinn: I can pop round tomorrow and help Finn keep them entertained if that'd help?

Will: That'd be great, thanks Quinn. Just so everyone is aware, Everleigh is allergic to peanuts, she has an epi-pen located in our bedroom cabinet. Alex can get a bit overwhelmed, so if he runs and hides just let him be. You can normally find him either in his wardrobe or in the pantry. Their diaper bags are in their room, and they both have bumblebee pacifiers, except Everleigh's is yellow. Oh and they need to sleep with their muslins.

Rachel: thank you everyone. I don't quite have the words right now to say how I feel. But just thank you, for always being such pillars of strength for us. We both love you all so much.

Tina : Rachel, Mr Schue, me and Mike are so sorry to hear about Madeleine. We've been thinking of you both. If there's anything we can do, meals, transport, looking after the twins, just let us know.

"I hate seeing her like this." Rachel said as she looked up from her phone and stroked Madeleine's hand.

"Me too. It's the polar opposite of her, she's normally so full of life, and busy. It just feels wrong to see her like this." Will said as Rachel nodded.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night." Will apologised as Rachel clutched his hand tightly.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. We have both made mistakes during this, but from now on we need to do what is best. Not just for Maddie, but for Alex and Everleigh too." Rachel said as Will nodded in agreement.

"I've missed you." Will said as he kissed her lightly.

"I've missed you too. When I'm not with you, it's like I'm drowning. Like I'm missing a part of me." Rachel said as a lone tear rolled down her cheek.

Will gently wiped it away, once again kissing her lightly.

"Likewise my love. You are everything and more." Will said as Rachel smiled softly.

Back at the Schuester household-

"Mama!" Everleigh exclaimed as she greeted her mother.

"Papa!" Everleigh exclaimed, seeing Will.

Emma had recently begun calling Will 'Papa' instead of 'Daddy' after hearing Rachel call one of her dads papa.

"Daddy baby. It's Daddy." Will said, a slight smile on his face.

"I owie." Everleigh said as she pointed to her hip.

"What happened?" Rachel asked Finn.

"She had an allergic reaction earlier. She's absolutely fine, she lost consciousness for around two minutes but was absolutely fine." Finn said as Rachel nodded.

"It scwary mama." Everleigh said softly.

"Did she come around okay?" Will asked as he looked at his daughter concernedly.

"Absolutely. She was drowsy for around 5 minutes but I gather that was from the effects of the epi-pen." Finn replied as Will nodded.

"It most likely was. She can get clingy afterwards, can't you bubba?" Rachel soothed as Everleigh nodded.

"Oh yes. She was well and truly stuck to my hip afterwards. Thankfully Sam stayed behind and helped me with Alex." Finn explained as Alex came running in.

"Daddy!" Alex exclaimed, running into Will's arms.

"Hey kiddo!" Will smiled softly, hugging Alex tightly.

"I plaid Dagonz!" Alex exclaimed.

"You played dragons?" Will asked as Alex nodded.

"The guys knew what had happened and so brought round some new toys for Alex and Everleigh- they brought Alex a bundle of dragons, and Everleigh some Disney animator dolls." Finn explained.

"Oh thats so nice of them." Rachel said softly as Everleigh's head started to Bob slightly, a sure sign she was tired.

"Come on munchkin, bedtime." Rachel said softly as she rubbed her daughters back.

"No sweepy." Everleigh mumbled as she fought to keep her eyes open.

"The same goes for you little man. It's getting late." Will nodded as he followed Rachel into the nursery.

"Goodnight lovebug." Rachel said as she kissed the sleeping toddlers forehead.

"Goodnight Alex. Daddy loves you." Will said as bothe he Rachel left.

The rest of the evening was spent watching Tv and planning for the upcoming week.

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