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Oh hey, look who's back! I've missed writing this story so much, and I'm excited to reveal the next chapter. This ones fairly light as I feel we've had a lot of drama recently, so an old friend was needed to pick both Rachel and Will back up. Happy reading! -Ash xoxo

"Quinn! Its so good to see you." Rachel beamed.

"It's good to see you too. How have you been?" Quinn asked as she sat down on the couch.

"It's been rough. Did Finn tell you what happened?" Rachel asked.

Quinn shook her head, confused.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Rachel explained what had unfolded in the last three weeks.

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry! How is she doing now?" Quinn asked as Rachel smiled slightly.

"She's stable. The femur injury which was the worst is healing well. Most of the cuts have healed now and her jaw is almost completely healed." Rachel replied as the twins came running in.

"Mommy!" Everleigh giggled.

"Alwex keeps tickling me!" She frowned, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Is this true Alex?" Rachel asked as she spotted the toddler peering through the doorway.

Nodding, the young boy entered the room.

"I don't want him to!" Everleigh whined.

"Alex, you know to keep your hands to yourself. We don't tickle others unless they ask. Why did you do it?" Rachel asked as the young boy looked at the ground.

"I...I dunno..." Alex replied.

"Everleigh can you sit with Auntie Quinn for a minute please?" Rachel asked as the toddler jumped off her lap and onto the couch.

"Good girl. Alex, come with mommy please." Rachel said firmly as the toddler whined before dragging his feet over to his mother.

Standing by the front door Rachel pointed to the mat.

"Go sit down please." She said firmly.

"Mommy no!" Alex said as he began to get upset.

"You know better than to tickle someone and upset them. You're getting to be a big boy now and you know you always ask first. You will sit on the mat for 3 minutes, after that I want you to apologise to your sister-understood?" Rachel explained.

"NO MAMA NO! I NO WANNNA!" Alex screamed.

Seeing that she wouldn't reason with the toddler while he was in such a state, she sat him on the mat and left.

Returning to Quinn and Everleigh, Rachel smiled.

Everleigh was happily babbling to Quinn, kicking her legs (a sure sign that she was happy).

"Hey love." Rachel grinned as Everleigh exclaimed 'Mama!'

"I'm sorry about Alex. He's not normally like this, its been a lot to contend and adjust with recently." Rachel apologised as Quinn shook her head.

"Rachel please don't apologise. You have two toddlers, and a child in the ICU. I literally have no idea how you are still functioning, let alone parenting them." Quinn reassured the young woman.

"Thank you." Rachel said gratefully.

"Mama, Auntie Quinnie is the best!" Everleigh exclaimed as Rachel laughed.

"She's been telling me all about her toys and Madeline." Quinn explained.

"And-And-And, Quinnie said we can go the park!" Everleigh explained, tripping over her words as she was so excited.

"Only if it's okay with your mommy." Quinn said as Rachel nodded.

"Of course!" Rachel smiled warmly.

"Just so you are aware Everleigh has some allergies. Mainly peanuts, strawberries, lemons and cashews." Rachel reeled off as Quinn nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll keep her safe. Now go check on your boy." Quinn encouraged as she shooed Rachel out of the room which made Everleigh giggle.

Leaving the room, the sight that greeted her broke her heart.

Alex was sat on the mat with one of Madeleine's toys in his hands.

"Hey you." She said as she sat beside him.

Swallowing deeply, the little boy looked up to his mother with tears in his eyes as he spoke quietly "Maddie go bye?"

God. If there was anything Rachel could change, it be having her children in pain.

"Baby no. We told you remember? Madeleine was in an accident with Daddy and she got hurt more than he did. And that means she has to stay at the hospital for a while. But she will come home." Rachel soothed.

"I miss sissy." Alex said as he started to cry.

Scooping the boy into her arms, Rachel too began to sob.

The situation on the whole was soul destroying. The twins had lost their role model, their best friend,their playmate. And Will and Rachel had lost their firstborn.

The doctors were optimistic about Madeleine recovering, but even 2 months down the line things could change daily. Several times they had been told to prepare for the worst, to say goodbye and yet Madeleine had held on.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Rachel wiped away her tears and did the same to Alex's.

"How about we go watch a film of your choice?" Rachel suggested.

"Pwease!" Alex said as he sniffles slightly.

"What film will it be?" Rachel asked as she lifted Alex onto her hip.

"Cars!" Alex exclaimed.

"Then cars it is." Rachel said as she walked into their lunge and placed Alex onto the couch.

Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, Rachel pulled it out.

"Alex, mama just needs to answer this call okay?" Rachel says finely as the boy nodded, playing with his cars.

"Hello? Who is this please?" Rachel asked.

"Hi, this is Dr Whale here from Lima memorial hospital. It's about your daughter, Madeleine. You need to get down to the hospital as soon as possible."

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