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"Will? What's happened?" Rachel asked, sitting down in her dressing room.

"It's Madeleine." Will managed to choke out.

"What's... What's happened?" Rachel asked, her voice becoming concerned.

"We were hit by a car. I picked her up as I normally do but this semi drove into the side of us, before I could do anything it hit her side of the car." Will sobbed.

"Is she okay? Are you okay?" Rachel asked, she too beginning to sob.

"I... I don't know. She... she was unconscious.... There was so much blood everywhere..." Will said, his voice almost a whisper.

"I'm okay though. I broke a few ribs, and have some cuts and bruises. It's Madeleine that took the brunt of it all. I tried baby. I tried so damn hard to protect her... and I failed!" Will sobbed.

"You haven't failed. You could never fail her or the twins, you did your absolute best. You weren't driving that semi and you didn't cause it to happen. I'm on my way." Rachel said as she hung up, beginning to shake.

"Rachel? What's wrong?" Her co-star asked.

"It's my daughter! She's been in a car accident and-and she's hurt. She's unconscious...." Rachel said as she continued to sob.

"Come on, I'll drive you to the hospital. You're in no fit state to drive yourself." He ordered as he guided her out of the room and towards his car.

At the hospital

"Hi, I'm Dr Kohl and I've been looking after your daughter."

"How is she?" Will asked.

"She's stable currently but we are struggling to keep her that way. Twice now we have had to resuscitate her as she's flatlined and has not been able to support her own airway. We are also concerned that she might have a head injury so we are sending her for a CT scan. Aside from that, she's broken a multitude of bones including her right femur, her left elbow, her jaw, her eye socket and her left collar bone." Dr Kohl announced.

"Oh my god...." Will sobbed.

"What's going to happen? Is she awake?" Rachel asked.

"Once we have confirmed a head injury it's most likely we will sedate her. We will also fix the rest of her injuries once she is under as that will cause the least amount of pain. This will hopefully will promote her recovery and prevent any potential further damage occurring." Dr Kohl explained.

"Can we see her?" Rachel asked.

"Unfortunately not. I want to be sure she has no head injury before you see her and she's currently unconscious." Dr Kohl replied.

"Why's that? Surely we can sit with her? She'll be petrified!" Rachel said as she gripped on tightly to Will's hand.

"As I said, Madeleine is unconscious, and has been since she arrived. Currently, we are running tests and managing her pain and having you both there would be a hinderance rather than help. As soon as she comes around or we have any results I will let you know." Dr Kohl finished as he got paged.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll come and find you as soon as any results come through". Dr Kohl said he stood and left.

Rachel and Will were then left alone, in the relatives room.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault!" Will sobbed.

"Will! Will, this is not your fault. You weren't the one driving a semi. Don't ever think that it was your fault." Rachel said as she tried to comfort him

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