Rug pulled out from under you

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"Is this the home of Mr William Schuester?" The individual asked.

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend. Who are you?" Rachel asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm Annie Parker and I work for Ohio's children's services. May I speak with your partner please?" Annie asked as Rachel let her in.

"Finn, could you take the twins into their room please?" Rachel asked as Finn stood.

"Yeah sure. Everleigh, Alex come with me please!" Finn ordered as the two toddlers came running.

"Let play unca Fin!" Everleigh exclaimed as she dragged him towards their nursery.

"Babe, who was at the door?" Will asked.

"Will, This is Annie. She says she needs to tak to you?" Rachel says, slightly confused.

"Hi, How can I help?" Will says as he beckons her to sit down.

"I'm Annie Parker and I work for Ohio's children services. I have your daughter in our care." She started to explain.

"Our daughter? I'm sorry I think you have the wrong family. One of our daughters is in hospital, recovering from a serious car accident and the other is here, happy as can be." Will said confused.

"Did you ever know a woman that went by the name Terri Del Monico?" She asked.

"Yes. She was my wife, we were together until 7 years ago." Will replied.

"Well. 6 years ago she gave birth to her daughter and has put you on the birth certificate as her child's father." Annie explained.

"I'm sorry... What?!" Will exclaimed.

"We've tested her blood type against yours and it's a complete match." Annie continued to explain.

"This is insane! I don't have another daughter!" Will exclaimed.

"I'm afraid you do." Annie said as she placed a picture into Will's hand.

" Annie said as she placed a picture into Will's hand

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"This is Emma. She's 6 years old." Annie said as Will gasped.

"Oh my god." Will said.

"She looks like me..." He smiled.

Rachel peered over his shoulder and smiled, there was no doubting her parentage.

The young girl looked so sad. And so lost.

"How is she? Is she ok? What's she like?" Will asked, desperate to know as much information as possible.

"Yes please. We'd love to any information." Rachel agreed.

"She's in a group home currently, due to some issues with her mother. I can't go into too much detail today due to the fact that she is still a ward of the state." Annie replied.

"What's happened? Is Terri okay?" Will asked.

"Terri unfortunately died last week. She was serving a sentence for drug related issues and was stabbed by another inmate." Annie explained.

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