Small steps

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A little light chapter after all the angst and drama we've had recently. Happy reading! 

"Morning Emma." Will said softly as he lightly shook her arm.

Emma instantly launched herself away from him and made herself as small as possible.

"It's okay. It's just daddy." Will said as he smiled reassuringly.

"Sorry." Emma apologised.

"Don't apologise kiddo." Will said as Emma nodded.

"Do you fancy some breakfast?" Will asked as Emma nodded.

"Can you carry me?" She asked tentatively.

"Of course!" Will said as he lifted the little girl into his arms.

Entering the kitchen he was greeted by a scream of "DADA!" From Everleigh.

"Hey munchkin!" Will smiled as he deposited Emma into one of the chairs.

"'Oook dada!" Everleigh exclaimed as she pointed to her pancakes.

"Oh yummy!" Will said as he tickled the little girl.

"Emma sweetie, do you want pancakes too? I can do cereal or toast otherwise?" Rachel asked as she hurried around.

"I can make it myself." Emma said as she went to stand.

That was one thing that Will and Rachel were struggling to deal with, Emma wanting to do everything for herself.

"Sweetie, I honestly don't mind. Just relax okay?" Rachel said as Emma sighed before sitting back down.

"Toast please." Emma mumbled quietly, fiddling with her hands.

"Toast it is." Rachel smiled warmly.

"Emma sweetie, How would you like to go shopping?" Rachel asked as she buttered Emma's toast before handing it to her.

"But....But... I don't have any monies." Emma said confused.

Will felt his heart shatter. His poor, poor baby.

"Emma, you never have to pay for anything here okay?" Will said firmly as Emma nodded, unshed tears in her eyes.

"Alex, Ev since you are both finished why don't you go play?" Rachel suggested as she lifted each twin out.

Once the twins had left, Rachel spoke again.

"Emma listen. Just like daddy said we never want you to feel like you have to pay. You need clothes, so we will buy them. Simple as." Rachel reiterated.

"But mommy always said I should pay." Emma frowned.

"How would you get the money Emma?" Will asked.

"I'd sell my toys. Or clean, or babysit." Emma replied.

At six years old. She'd been forced to look after children when she was still a child herself.

"Oh baby..." Will spoke.

It both angered and devastated him to hear what Emma had been through. If Terri had still been alive he would've had a few choice words for her, that's for sure.

"I'm sorry.." Emma apologised as she looked down at the table, avoiding eye contact.

"Look at me." Will said softly.

"You have nothing to apologise for Emma. Ter- Your mom is the one who should've apologised." Will says as he holds on to Emma's hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Why don't you go pick out an outfit to wear?" Rachel suggested as Emma nodded meekly before quietly leaving the table.

Once Emma left, the dam broke.

"It's not fair!" Will sobbed.

"If I'd of known... She didn't deserve to be treated like a commodity, an object. While we were celebrating Nationals she was being abused!" Will said as he choked on his sobs.

"I know.. I know. It's heart-breaking but you can't think like that. All it'll  do is drag you down. Of course we would've done something had we of known, but we can't change that now. WE just have to cope with the hand we have been dealt." Rachel spoke softly.

"I know you're right but i can't help feeling so guilty! I'm meant to be her dad, I should've been there to protect her." Will sobbed. 

"You're here now. That's what counts. We just have to support Emma in the best way possible." Rachel reassured Will who nodded.

"Go out for run, clear your head a bit. I know you haven't done that for a while and I'm sure I can manage Emma and the twins while you are gone." Rachel suggested as Will nodded, wiping his eyes.

"Would you mind?" Will asked.

"Not at all." Rachel said as she kissed Will.

"You are the best. I love you." Will smiled as he left to get ready.

Rachel meanwhile, walked into the twins room to see chaos.

"Mama Alwex did it!" Everleigh exclaimed.

"Everleigh Rose, Tell me the truth!" Rachel said firmly.

"I hewlped swightly." Everleigh admitted. 

"Just as I thought. Come on you two, tidy your toys up please." Rachel said as Everleigh's bottom lip wobbled.

"Everleigh you're being silly now, there's no need to cry. You know better than to make such a mess." Rachel said slightly softer than before. 

Ever since Maddeline's accident Everleigh had become more emotional and sensitive. 

"I'm sorry!" Everleigh sobbed.

"I know you are baby. Now why don't you help you brother tidy? Then i believe Daddy wants to take you out." Rachel smiled as Everleigh grinned excitedly.

Leaving the twins,  Rachel checked in on Emma who was sat quietly, reading a book.

"Dressed already?" Rachel smiled.

Emma practically jumped out of her skin, her eyes wide.

"Sorry! It's just me sweetheart!" Rachel apologised.

"It's okay..." Emma said unsurely.

"I just wanted to check that you were dressed. Daddy's gone for a run so once he's back we can go." Rachel explained.

"Okay. Can i go read my book in the lounge?" Emma asked.

"Of course you can sweets. Sorry-I don't know if you like nicknames." Rachel apologised again. 

"Its okay. I...I like it." Emma smiled 

"Then sweets it is." Rachel grinned. 

A shorter but fluffier chapter. Emma's journey won't end after this either, there's a lot more to come for all the family! Stay tuned! 

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