Chapter 5

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He then started texting his wife. He asked her to check the company Kazi was working for.

Then while walking back to the apartment of Kate's aunt his wife called.

"Hey, did you find anything?" He asked

"I talked to that friend of yours. He's really busy. He's been learning Russian and jogging a ton." She said. And somehow Clint got information out of that.

"Tracksuits. So Sloan is their front?" He asked.

"Yep. he said that his boss. Jack Duquesne never gives him a day off" she said. And when you heard his name you stopped walking and could only think about Kate and the amount of danger she could be in now.

And while Clint continued the conversation with his wife you called Kate to make sure she's safe.

"Hey Kate" you said as she answered the phone.

"Hey, everything okay?" She asked with a concerned voice.

"Yeah everything is good, just wanted to check up on you" you said

"I'm good" she said

"Okay, stay safe and call if anything happens. I love you, bye" you said

"I'll be fine. Hate you, bye" she said and then you hung up.

Clint had just kept walking while you were calling Kate so you jogged a little to catch up with him.

Once in the apartment Clint grabbed some packets out of the freezer to cool his bruises. Then he tapped the packets to his body.

"Can I get one too?" You asked

"Yeah" Clint said back and then he threw you one. It were some kind of slush puppy packets. Then right after that he threw you the tape.

He laid down in the chair and put another packet on his head and closed his eyes. You had taken the couch again. 

You were kinda bored so you grabbed you earbuds and plugged them into your phone. You then put on some music and laid down again. You also weren't sure wether Clint was asleep or not so you just let him rest.

But not long after you laid down, you heard de buzzer. Well you didn't exactly hear it until you took out your earbuds because Clint stood up.

"Who could that be?" You asked while you stayed on the couch watching Clint walk with ice packets taped to his body. It looked pretty funny.

"I have no clue" he said. He then pressed the button for the microphone.

"It's me, I have pizza and holiday cheer. Please let me in" Kate said. And you were happy to hear she was safe. Then Clint pressed the button to open the door.

After a minute or something Kate walked in with pizza, a couple of boxes with Christmas stuff and the dog.

Kate put everything down on the couch, she had t seen you so you made a groaning sound.

"What was that for?" You said while lifting the boxes from your body and putting them on the ground. Then you went to sit up.

"Sorry Y/n nothing personal you were just in the way, but it's movie marathon night right? So I brought us some movies to watch" Kate said very excitedly.

"That's very thoughtful of you Kate, thanks" Clint said. He didn't sound very excited though. "But before we start, I have to tell you something about sword guy" he said

"Okay" Kate said now sounding a lot less excited. 

Clint then told Kate what his wife told him.

"Okay we'll come up with a plan to take my moms psycho boyfriend down later. But first it's Christmas time" Kate said

"I'm down" you said while turning on the tv.

Kate then handed you an ugly Christmas sweater. You put it on and turned around and showed it like a runway model.

"Looks good" Kate said. "Now it's your turn" she said while looking at Clint. Then she threw him a sweater too. She also grabbed one for herself.

Once everyone was changed into their sweater you sat down on the couch and Clint went for the chair again. You didn't mind that because now you could cuddle up with Kate.

After Kate had put the DVD into the tv she sat down next to you. You then opened you arms for her to lay down in and she didn't hesitate a second. 

After you guys watched the fist movie, you realized that the tree in the apartment wasn't decorated yet.

"Before we watch the next movie we have to fix something else first" you said with a dramatic tone while pointing at the tree.

"Oh my god, how did we forget" Kate said as she got out of your arms and grabbed the box full of decorations. You immediately felt cold after she stood up. So you went right after her.

You all decorated the tree together and were having fun. Then Clint suddenly said: "I could knock someone down with this". He was holding something that looked kind off like a penny but a bit bigger.

"Never" you said

"No you can't" Kate said.

"Yes I can" he said

"Prove it" Kate said.

Then Clint kind of snapped his fingers and the penny like thing flew to the room. Then it hit the tv perfectly on the of button.

"Told you" he said proudly.

"Wow, I want to learn that" Kate said.

Clint then went ahead and thought her the trick. You on the other hand didn't feel the need to learn that so you just sat down again and choose the next movie.

After you picked a movie, you decided to watch Kate learning the trick. But after a couple of tries she got the hang of it and she had hit the button almost. And when she finally did it she was so excited and started making cute  little jumps.

"Yess oh my god I did it" she almost shouted excitedly. She then hugged Clint and said thank you.

"Before we watch another movie can we come up with a plan please. Then we don't have to do that later on" Clint said.

"Okay sure" Kate then grabbed a marker and wrote some things down on a glass thing that was hanging on the wall.

"Okay we have to find out how these things are connected to Jack" Kate said

"Yeah" you said

"Are you sure that's dry erase?" Clint asked while pointing at the thing on the wall. Then Kate rubbed it and it didn't come off

"Oops" she said. Then she grabbed the tree and dragged it in front of the glass. "Now its covered and no one will see it" she said.

After discussing some other things, Kate you and Clint just sat down and talked a bit.

Then Kate asked Clint a question.

"What's the best shot you ever took?"

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