Chapter 13

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After walking a bit further  the three of you stopped.

"I don't see my mom yet" Kate said

"Why don't you tell me what you do see?" Clint said. "What are out assets, what are out threats?" He asked

"Mmm. Threats? That guy." She nodded towards a man. "That's Gary. He fired me from one of the only jobs I ever had" Kate said

"Who would even hire you in the first place?" You asked just to tease.

"Very funny Y/n" Kate said

"And assets?" Clint asked

"We have assets all over the party" you said

Then Jack walked into the party and started greeting some people.

"Wow. Jack's out of jail already. Nothing phases that guy" Kate said

"Why does he have a sword with him? He just got out of jail because he was accused of murdering someone with a sword" you said

"Maybe its his wat of proving that he's innocent" Kate said

"Weird flex, but sure" Clint said

After looking around for a while Clint gave you and Kate comms.

"Stay on comms, I'm going to take a lap" Clint said then he walked past you and Kate.

You and Kate went the other way.

The two of you walked around the room looking for Kate's mom.

"Do you see her" Clint asked trough comms

"No, we haven't seen her yet" Kate answered to Clint.

But then after couple more minutes Eleanor walked through the door.

"We found her" you said trough comms.

You and Kate walked over to Eleanor.

"Kate hi, and hi Y/n" Eleanor said

"Mom, come with me" Kate said as she grabbed her mother's arm and took her with her, you followed.

The three of you walked away from the party to a kitchen like place.

"What are you doing?" Eleanor asked

"I, I mean we, are saving your life. Your business partner wants you dead" Kate said

"What are your talking about?" Eleanor asked

Kate scoffed and looked disappointed before answering. She grabbed her phone and started scroll on her phone until she stopped and turned the phone to her mom.

She pressed play and It was the video that Yelena had sent to Kate.

"How could you do this?" Kate asked still being disappointed and almost angry. "All these years" she finished her sentence.

"You don't understand" Eleanor answered

You were watching the mother daughter fight and you found it kind of awkward, you wanted to leave but you couldn't leave Kate.

So what you did was you backed of a bit and then walked to the table with snacks that was there. This way you could still be around Kate but you could also just have a kind of nice night.

You grabbed a couple of snacks and watched the conversation from a small distance.

Then Jack came walking in. He was just about to walk over to them when you stopped him.

"Hey best friend of Kate" he said

"Hello, now is not a good time so just come back later" you said to him as you turned him around.

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