Chapter 11

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"Thank you guys, that made me feel so much better" Kate said, almost with a smile but she wasn't happy enough yet to smile. She still had to process everything her mother had done.

At least Kate had calmed down now, it was getting late and you guys still hadn't had dinner yet. You came up with the idea to take Kate out to get her mind of everything.

"Kate do you want to go out for dinner with me?" You asked.

"Yeah that would be nice" Kate said

"We can order some pizza" Grills said to Clint. You guys didn't hear him come in so you all got into a fighting position but lossend up when you saw it was Grills.

"Yeah you guys can have a fun night as best friends" Clint said, he said 'best friends' in a pretty sarcastic way. He now made it obvious that he knew that you and Kate were not just friends.

"We will" you said. Then you grabbed your coat and Kate's.

Once the two of you were out of sight from Clint and Grills, Kate grabbed your hands.

"My hands are cold and this helps" she said as an excuse for holding your hand.

"I'm glad we are alone again, and it's been a while since we last went out together" you said

"So where are we going?" Kate Asked

"You choose" you said. Then after a while of debating about a place you finally agreed on one and went there.

It was a cute small restaurant/bar on the corner of a busy street. It was actually the first restaurant you and Kate went to together. And as soon as you stepped in it brought back memories from that first time.

You could see Kate trying to get the shots at the bar, you and Kate were still 20 back then. And surprisingly Kate got the shots and she walked back proudly with the shots in her hands.

You remember that face very well. It was so adorable how happy she was her trick to get the shots worked.

But now you could just get them legally, and you did. And not just one.

During dinner you guys did a game, truth or dare. And every time one of you didn't want to answer or do the dare they had to take a shot.

"I dare you to ask the number of the bartender" you said to Kate. At this time you had finished dinner and were ready for dessert, this also meant you already had a lot of shots.

"Won't you get jealous" she said

"Only of you actually text him" you said

"Okay I'll do it" Kate said then she waved at the bartender to come over.

"What can I help you with" the bartender asked

"We would like one milkshake with two straws" she said

"Would that be all?" He asked

"No, could I also have your number?" Kate asked while giving him a sweet smile. It was funny how she first orders something for you and her to share and then ask him for his number.

"Ehm Well, I'm gay, I'm sorry" he said, that was a response the both of you didn't expect.

"Don't worry" she said then she stood up and whispered something in his ear "me too" she said. Then she ga e you a glare before she continued to walk to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry for my friend, we're playing truth or dare" you explained to him.

"Okay, well what flavor do you want your milkshake?" He asked 

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