Chapter 8

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Kate's first response was to throw the first thing she could grab. This was a bottle of hot sauce.

"Hi, oooh I love hot sauce" the women said as she walked out of the shadows.

It was the same women that attacked you on the roof.

"You" you said

"Yes me" the women said

"Who are you and what do you want" Kate said

"Well I am Yelena and I want to kill Clint Barton. Also I made Mac and Cheese, it's very good. You want?" She asked while pointing at the pan full of Macaroni and Cheese. She also had a Russian accent that wasn't able to be missed.

"Where not going to have dinner with you, you tried to kill us" you said

"And you broke into my apartment" Kate said

"I did not try to kill you. A I put you, Kate Bishop on a wire to remove an obstacle. And you Y/n L/n how did I even try to kill you, I only tased you." She said

"That really hurts you know" you said

"I know, but B I did not break anything I'm way to talented than that and C you guys have to stop being so defensive. Kate Bishop I'm just here to talk." Yelena said

"Okay" Kate said

"Y/n L/n I was not expecting you here but maybe you can talk too. And do you guys really don't want any macaroni it's really delicious" Yelena said

"No thanks" you said, you then sat down across from Yelena. You didn't feel that unsafe or threatened with Yelena, even though she just kind off tried to kill Kate. She gave a pretty fun and comforting vibe.

"Before we get to business I want to ask you something, it's my first time in New York and after I kill Barton I want to see some things but I don't know where to start and it's a business trip so time is limited" Yelena said.

"You should definitely see the tree" you said

"Oh my god yeah, the tree. I've seen it in many pictures it's so cool and big. I love it" she said

"Yeah it's pretty cool" you said. Then you looked at Kate. "Do you have any recommendations for Yelena?" You asked Kate. You grabbed her hand to comfort her a bit.

She then sat down next to you. It must be hard for Kate because she made a new friend plus it's her child idol and then someone just stands in your house saying they want to kill that new friend and idol.

"Uhm" Kate sounded hesitate.

"Kate bishop you know that if I really wanted to kill you" Yelena said

"You would've already, I know" Kate finished her sentence

"Yeah, right as soon as you opened the door" Yelena said

"But yeah you got to see the tree. That's the only thing I can think of now. Oh and plus the improved Statue of Liberty" Kate said

"You know I love American Christmases, just everything about it looks and sounds amazing. And I also heard the improvements are very good, for the statue" Yelena said.

"Yeah the improvements are cool" you said

"Now we have some business to do" Yelena said

"We're not going to help you kill Clint" Kate said

"I get that Kate bishop" Yelena said

"Do you say my whole name to point out that you know it?" Kate asked

"Yes. I know a lot about you Kate bishop. Also about you Y/n L/n" she said

"Okay, but what do you want from us?" You asked

"Well I just wonder why you guys would risk your life for Clint Barton? How has everybody forgiven him for his past?" Yelena asked

"He saved the world" Kate said

"No, no my sister saved the world. Natasha Romanoff. She saved the world" she said

"Yes. But with Clint" you said

"Wait, you're really Natasha's sister?" Kate asked in shock.

"Yes I am her sister and no Clint killed Natasha. He did not save the world, she did" Yelena said. A frown appeared on her face and you could see she was sad about Natasha. But so was Clint.

"Thank God I didn't kill you up there, you're actually the sister of Natasha Romanoff" Kate said

Yelena started laughing. "You kill me? Kate Bishop you are so funny" She said while still laughing.

"Natasha and Clint where friends, best friends. Why do you think he killed her?" You asked

"You don't really know who he is. Kate he is not here to protect you or Y/n he is here to protect his reputation. Do you guys know how many people he killed?" Yelena asked

"Yes we know. But Natasha is not one of them. And he is still an Avenger" Kate said

"What does that even mean? You call him a hero no matter what?" Yelena asked

"It means that when you choose to spend your life trying to help people there are going to be things that you lose. When you face the kind of threats that he has. There is going to be collateral damage" you said

"My sister is gone because of him. Is she collateral Damage? Yelena said. Her voice sounded broken.

"I'm sorry, but there is no way he let that happen" you said

"He loved her" Kate added

"How long have you know Clint Barton?" Yelena asked. It took Kate quite long to answer.

"About a week" she answered

"It will not be difficult for me to complete this assignment" Yelena said. Then you and Kate realized

"Wait a minute, somebody hired you to kill him?" Kate said. Yelena gave an answer by nodding slowly.

"We just want to make clear to you that Clint is not a bad guy, and if the person that hired you says he is then you should ask yourself what kind of person that is" you said

"However he convinced you about who he is or how may people think or call him a her. Truth is, it doesn't matter. We are defined by what we do. Not by nice words" Yelena said.

You looked at Kate and she looked at you. Her face had a worried look.

"So, where is he" Yelena then asked

"I don't know and neither does Y/n" Kate said. The thing is you actually didn't know where he was going to stay for the night.

"Okay" Yelena said. "Thank you guys for the girls night, truly" she continued

Kate scoffed while you just said "yeah your welcome let's do this more often, but without the killing our friends"

Then Yelena stood up and walked over to the window. And she stopped in front of the window then she said "Kate bishop and Y/n L/n don't get in my way again" then she threw the same thing as on the roof in the floor and she let herself fall out the window.

As soon as Yelena was out of sight you grabbed Kate and pulled her in for a hug, and she definitely needed it. Kate started crying on your shoulder as you hold her tighter.

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