Chapter 17

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You woke up by Kate patting your head.

"Hey sleepyhead, our plane is going to land" She said. Your slowly lifted your head from her shoulder and went to sit up. You stretched your arms and put in your seatbelt.

It wasn't a long flight, just a bit longer then 2 hours so you didn't get much sleep, but the sleep you got was good.

After you landed the three of you got your bags and went to get Lucky. **

You were staying at a hotel at the airport that night and were leaving early in the morning so you were in time for Christmas.

You and Kate shared a room and Clint had his own and he took Lucky with him. The hotel room wasn't much but that didn't matter since you were only sleeping there.

Once in the hotel you dropped your stuff on the floor and went immediately into the bed, Kate laid next to you after she put her stuff down.

You and Kate both fell asleep very quick and the next thing you know your alarm is ringing. It's 7:00 am and you went to get out of bed and got ready to meet Clints family.

Kate woke up later then you since she didn't need much time to get ready while you knew you did.

When the two of your were ready to go you went to Clints room. He was already waiting for the two of you outside his door.

"Good morning" you said to him

"Good morning" he said. Then you and Kate followed Clint outside to his car. It was about a half an hour drive from the airport to Clints home.

There was a silence in the car as soon as the three of you got in, that was until Clint turned on the radio.

The most popular Christmas songs were on and mostly you and Kate sang along loudly with the songs, but you could hear Clint sometimes sing the lines he liked.

Then after around half an hour you drove onto a big landscape. It had a big house and two barns.

Clint stopped the car in front of the house and the three of you got out. And Kate got lucky from the back.

"Hey are you sure this is okay?" Kate asked

"I'm telling you, they're very excited to meet you two" Clint said

"It'll be fine" you said to Kate as you smiled at her. You grabbed your stuff from the trunk and closed it. You walked after Kate and Clint who were almost at the door when a boy run towards Clint.

"Daddy!" The boy yelled as he hugged Clint

"Hey, there he is" Clint said as he held the boy in his arms. "Hey buddy, Merry Christmas" he said to the boy

"You made it" a girl standing in the doorway said.

"Here take something" Clint said as he had his hands full off presents for the kids.

The little boy came up to you and Kate and asked "what's your name?"

"That's Y/n and that's Kate, now come on in. Let's go" Clint said

"Hey kid" you said to the boy

"Hi" he said back as he got shy and hid behind his father.

You and Kate followed Clint inside the house where a women walked over to Clint.

"You made it" the women said to Clint

"I made it" Clint said then he hugged the women tight.

"I missed you" he said to her

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