Chapter 16

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After a while of walking the two of you arrived at the ice rink again. There were a lot of ambulances and police cars, and Clint was sitting in one of the ambulances.

You and Kate walked over to him and sat next to him.

The three of you sat there in silence for a while.

"You know, I have to be really honest with the two off you. It doesn't t happen too often, but every once in a while, you come across somebody that just makes you better, in every way. And that Missy, Boy, she just outdid herself with the suits, right? " Clint said

"I really thought you were going to say something sweet" you said.

"I know tonight was a lot, you two took down kingpin all by yourself. Not many people walk away from something like that. I am so proud of the two of you" Clint said

Kate's eyes lit up. In a way you knew that the speech was mostly for Kate since Kate and Clint had a better bond than you and Clint. But these words still made you smile a bit.

Kate grabbed Clints hand with the hand she had left, you and Kate hadn't letten go of each other yet and probably won't until you have to do something or when someone tells you to. You probably also won't let go when someone tells you to.

"Thank you" Kate said to Clint and then turned to you. "And thank you" she said

The three of you had a moment of silence again until Clint broke it.

"You know what? We have to walk that dog" he said

"Yeah, we do" Kate said. The three of went to Grills apartment and took the leash for lucky.

"You know what. The two of you can go together so you have some bonding time" you said to Kate and Clint.

" yeah give us the chores with an excuse" Clint said

"Come on this'll be fun" Kate said as she put the leash on lucky and grabbed Clint by his arm.

"Bye" you said closing the door behind them.

You grabbed your coat a few minutes after they left, you were going to buy Christmas presents.

You went out of the apartment and into the city. You had to think of what you were going to buy for Clint, well you knew one thing which was a plane ticket back to his home town. But you were going to buy that online.

You already had the perfect idea for Kate, you were going to buy her a necklace with an small arrow. You already ordered it online and only had to pick it up from the store so that's the first thing you did.

When you arrived at the store you asked for your order. They let you take a look at the necklace before they gave it to you and it was exactly how you imagined it. ***

You paid for the necklace and went for a search for more presents.

For Kate you bought a new purple hoodie, one for yourself too so you could match, and new collar for lucky, his name and Kate's number carved into it, and of course the collar is purple.

For Clint you bought a couple of new normal arrows and a baseball hat with a big H on it.

After you bought the plane ticket which you did in an Internet cafe so you didn't have to do that anymore you went back to Grills apartment.

When you arrived at the apartment, Grills wasn't home yet so you decided to take a shower. It was a long hot shower and after the shower Clint, Kate and Grills still weren't home yet.

You turned on the tv and put on the news, you even saw yourself in the suit on tv.

After the news finished and they still weren't back yet you Grabbed your phone and put on some music.

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