Chapter 15

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"Yeah probably" Kate said

Then the three of you started loading arrows into your bows.

Clint was the only one that shot, he shot an magnetic arrow so a magnetic field started to form around the ice rink.

All the guns from the tracksuits got stuck to it.

"That should hold them of for a bit" Clint said and then he took of his blouse.

"Oh my god, you wore it!" Kate said. Clint had his suit underneath his smoking just like you and Kate.

"Looks good" you said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Clint said

"It looks so good, I told you" Kate said, her voice was so enthusiastic.

"Okay now listed to me. We need to get off this ice, okay? And the only way off this ice is up those stairs"Clint said as he nodded towards the stairs he was talking about.

But a lot of tracksuits came running down those exact stairs. 

"Great. There's only about a thousand of them and three of us" you said

"Here take these" Clint said as he gave you and Kate some trick arrows.

"No way. Is it time?" Kate asked excitedly.

"It's time" Clint said

"Cool" you said

"All right, Y/n, Kate. Let's give them hell" Clint said. Then the three of you turned away from each other and started shooting at the tracksuits.

You spared you trick arrows for the moments you needed them.

And you did when a couple of tracksuits came to close to you.

You shot an arrows that shot some tranquilizer darts out of itself. All the tracksuits fell down and you were what you call safe for a bit longer.

You kept shooting as many tracksuits as you could. But that didn't hold as long as you hoped. Now there were again some tracksuits running towards you and you had to do some combat.

You swiped one down with your bow and hit the others in the face with your bow. They were down but there were still so many off them running towards you and getting on the rink.

And after a long while of fighting there was a short time to rest. You, Clint and Kate got together on the middle of the rink and teamed up, the three off you fought very well together.

Then a van came riding towards you with full speed, it rode of the edge of the stairs. You grabbed the arrow that said PYM.

'Let's hope it shrinks instead of grows' you thought to yourself.

And luckily it did. The van shrunk to the size of a toy car. And you could hear very high pitched voices coming from the mini van.

An owl flew onto the ice and grabbed the van and flew away with it. All the tracksuits were laying on the ice or around it.

"time to go" Clint said. The three of you ran up the stairs. And once up the stairs Grills said something trough comms.

"Kate, your mom just came out the side door" he said

"Copy" Clint said then he looked at Kate.

"I have to go find her" Kate said.

"I'll come with you" you said

"Only if Clint doesn't need you" Kate said

"I'll be fine" he said

"Then I'm with you" you said to Kate. You grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze in her hand.

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