Chapter 7

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You then dodged the punch and stood up quickly. Clint had also stood up now. It was two against one.

"Clint, Y/n maya is here" you heard Kate say trough the comms. Then you heard some sounds of punches and auws and arrows. 

"That can't be, she's here" you said to Kate.

"What" Kate said, "she is most definitely here"

"Then who are we fighting" Clint said

Clint got the person in a grip so you took of their mask.

It was a beautiful blonde women, but she looked sad and angry. And before you knew it she kicked Clint in the knees and he fell down then she ran to you and threw you on the ground.

"A little help?" Kate asked trough the comms.

"Y/n shoot this arrow to Mayas apartment, it'll form a zipline for Kate" Clint said while rolling a arrow to you while fighting the women.

You shot it and told Kate to get onto it. And that's what she did she ran out of the apartment and placed her bow on the line.

But then she got stuck in the middle.

"I have a problem" she shouted

You looked over to Kate and then pulled the rope so it fastened. She then got down pretty fast.

"Thanks" she said

Then you and Kate joined the fight with the women and Clint. But the women pointed her hand at Clint and something shot out of her wrist some kind of taser thing and it shocked Clint.

Then you punched the women in the face and then stepped aside for Kate to punch the women.

Maya came running trough the door that lead to the roof. But she got taken down immediately by that taser thing from the women.

Then Kate attacked the women again, but the women was able to dodge Kate and pick her up. She then threw Kate over the side of the building.

You ran to the edge and screamed "Kate no!" Your voice was already broken. Turns out she was just chilling in the Christmas lights.

"Y/n where you actually worried?" Kate asked jokingly

"I thought you were gonna die okay, I hate you" you said

"I love you too, now help me up" she said

"Maybe later" you said as you turned around and joined the fight again. You first of all didn't want her to get hurt and second you wanted to get back at her for the comment she made about you being worried. That's why you left her there.

"Really Y/n" you could here Kate shout.

You got a hold of the women for a little while but then she threw you on the ground and you couldn't get up because as soon as you wanted to she shot that taser thing at you. And Clint was also shot down again with the taser thing.

Then Kate had apparently climbed down from the lights because now she burst trough the door and put an arrow in her bow. She pointed it at the women.

But then she lowered her bow. The women threw some kind of device in the ground and jumped of the building. Kate ran over to the edge to see the women run away.

"Let's get out of here before Maya wakes up" Kate said while picking you up. Clint was also able to stand again. The three of you walked out of the building but then Clint stopped you and Kate.

"Y/n, Kate, it's getting to dangerous. You guys can't come with me any more. You're off the mission" Clint said

"Why?" Kate sounded broken

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