Chapter 5: The More the Merrier

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(I'm so excited for this chapter!!)

Lily Evans, one of the smartest girls you will ever meet. That's why it was incredibly easy for her to pick up on the situation. As she ran to the Gryffindor common room, she wondered if this was a good idea or not. But she needed a second opinion, and quick.

Luckily, her best friend was always ready to give her fantastic advice and ideas. Remus was sitting on a couch next to Sirius, watching the flames flicker and jump in the fireplace. "Remmy! Can I talk to you?" She asked, making Sirius jump. "Hm? Sure, Lily. Be right back, love." He kissed the top of Sirius's head and followed Lily down corridors, through doors, and under archways until they reached an empty classroom.

"What's up?" He asked, noticing the slightly panicked but knowing look on her face. "Can..." she paused for a second, still wondering if this was a good idea, but she trusted Remus. She could talk to him. "Can you tell me James's sexuality? Because I believe he may like Remus, but he's going out with me." Remus nodded, taking in to consideration how confused she was.

"Well, none of us can be certain except him, and I don't even think he's certain to be honest." Remus chuckled a little. "He definitely likes both genders though. And with anybody else, I would respect his privacy and not disclose this, but you deserve to know. Just don't throw me under the bus." He winked at her and smiled calmly.

"He loves you both. I don't think he loves either one of you more or less. Of course, he's mental for you, but he has it bad for Regulus as well, and I'm pretty sure James feels extremely guilty, like he's playing with both of your feelings, And not being loyal enough."

Lily needed a moment to process this. Of course, she loved James, but felt a bit betrayed at the thought of him loving someone other than her. "Oh dear... what should I do, Remus?" Remus shrugged. "That's your choice. In my personal opinion, I wouldn't end things with him because of this. Maybe talk to him, is all I can say. No matter what, he loves you, Lily."

Lily nodded, still slightly stunned, and thanked him, walking out of the empty classroom. She needed to find James. After searching the giant castle for nearly an hour, she found him against the back shelves in the library, sitting on the floor and talking to the one and only Regulus Black.

"Um- Well, I guess this is perfect. Guys, we need to talk." She said, a bit hysterical but hiding it well. "Of course, what's the matter darling?" James said, frightened by her unusual panicked state. She sat down in front of them, making sure no one was around before speaking.

"I know you love him."

"Who?" Regulus said, jolting upright. "Flower, what are you talking about?" James whispered, his face turning red and sweat trickling down his forehead. Lily held both his hands in her own and looked down to breath deeply before saying anything else.

"I know you love Regulus."

Regulus choked on air, coughing and blushing like mad. "N-no, Lily, I love you." "Yes, but you love him as well. I know, James. And... it even surprises me but... I'm not mad about it. We love who we love."

Regulus spoke up. "I-um... I love you too." Lily and James both turned to him quickly. "Y-you do?" James asked. Boy, did he feel guilty. Two people loved him and he loved them both back. Did this mean he had to choose? He decided the best thing to do was ask.

"Do I have to choose between you? Are you going to make me?" He said in a smaller voice then intended, turning red and looking down. "I couldn't help but overhear." All of them jolted around to look at the girl standing over them, leaning against a bookshelf.

"Hi, Marlene." Lily said, blushing. "Hello, Lily." Marlene said, gently patting her shoulder. "Why were you eavesdropping?" Regulus asked, glaring at her. "It's a public space, I came to get a book for transfiguration." She said. "Anyways I think I have the solution to your guys problem."

"What is it, Marlene?" James asked, intrigued. "Well, how do I say this...? You guys should become a polyamorous couple. Basically a regular couple but with more people. I was in one with two other girls once, But it didn't work out. it's three times the love."

"Like a threesome?" James was quick to ask, and Marlene was quick to answer. "No, because threesomes are simply for pleasure, their platonic, if you will. Polyamory is loving, the definition of "the more the merrier""

Lily seemed to understand, but James and Regulus still seemed confused. Marlene sighed. "Regulus can date James, James can date Lily, Lily can date Regulus, James can date Regulus, Lily can date James, and Regulus can date Lily. You basically can all love each other. I got to go, guys. Hope I helped!" And with that, she left.

"Woah." Regulus said, and Lily nodded. "Would that be.... Is that something we are all interested in?" James asked, trying not to seem to excited in case the others didn't want to do it. "Yeah." Regulus said. The boys turned to Lily, who was thinking it over. "Yeah. Let's do it." She said with a smile.

(Finally, I got them all together! Now I can write cute couple shit!! Sorry if that was really bad, I don't know much about polyamory, and I'm basing this all off of the research I've done. Thanks for reading and I'll try to update more often!)

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