Chapter 4: Hogsmeade

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(A/N: Hey so sorry for not updating sooner! Also- Please go read this persons books: _Remenem_
They are a super good author but don't get enough reads. With that said, I hope I can write a decent chapter....)

James slipped coming up the stairs, in a hurry to get to his dorm. It was almost time to go to Hogsmeade, and he needed a few things. He crashed through the door, barely able to process what was happening. All he could care about was finding what he needed.

"James! Bloody hell, what are you doing here? Don't you have a hogsmeade date with Lily?" Remus asked, jumping back a little. James took one look at his best friends, who were sitting side by side on Sirius' bed. He didn't make much of it. "Sorry to interupt you and your boyfriend, but I have more important things to worry abo- Ugh where is it?!"

Sirius and Remus both blushed like crazy. "W-what?" Sirius spluttered. "H-he's not my boyfriend." Remus stated, cursing himself for stuttering. "Well then fix that!" James snapped jokingly, still looking around the dorm. "Remus, Sirius, you love each other. I can tell, because I am your best friend. Now go and snog in a corridor or something. Also- your welcome."

James finally found what he was looking for, a crumpled sheet of paper and a handful of galleons. Sirius and Remus both sat there, blushing furiously. "Y-yeah that works..." Remus started, and Sirius nodded. James didn't have any time to care how awkward he had just made things. He ran out of there and into the great hall.

Lily was waiting for him in the great hall, looking as fucking gorgeous as ever. But- there was a catch. Guess who she was talking to? Out of everyone at Hogwarts she had to be having a conversation with

"Regulus." James said as he strutted up to them. (A/N: "mY fAtHeR dIdNt StRuT" yeah right, Harry, and I hate the Marauders.*Breathes in sarcasm*)       "H-hi." Regulus said, red faced and looking absolutely pissed. Lily was just standing there innocently like some angel.

"Um... we are going to Hogsmeade." James said, mentally facepalming for stating the obvious. "Yeah. Your girlfriend here just told me that." Regulus said, glaring at Lily. James got mad. "What the hell? Why are you so rude to her? And her name is Lily, by the way." Regulus was acting strange. It was almost like... he was jealous? No... that can't be. James must have done something wrong.

Regulus just looked all the more angry. "Anyways, I best be going." He said through clenched teeth. "Bye James, bye Evans." He said, rushing away. "What was that about?" Lily asked, looking after him. "No clue..." James said, a little absentmindedly. He kissed her cheek and they were off.

I'm James's opinion, he couldn't have had a better day. He and Lily had walked up and down the streets, shopping and talking and drinking heated butterbeer. Lily wanted to run into a quill shop, claiming "I've been using the same one since, like, first year, James. I need a new quill." The line was long. Why? It was a quill shop for heavens sake. So James waited outside for her. Not that he minded. He would do anything for her.

But, as luck would have it, Regulus decided to show up just then. "Hey, Potter." Regulus said, walking out of the store. "Where's your girlfriend?" James smiled a little, glad he was calmer then before. He likes having Regulus around. "She is just inside, I'm waiting for her." Regulus nodded. "Cool..." he muttered awkwardly. "Erm- Thanks for... I mean the other night-" Regulus started, but James cut him off. "Yeah, don't mention it." It became awkward once again, until Lily finally walked out.

"Hello boys!" She said, and Regulus waved. "Hi, Flower." James replied, smiling at her. "Uh-hello..." Regulus said, watching the couple interact with more hints of jealousy and anger. "I got to get going. See you around!" The Slytherin said, almost tripping over in his hurry to get away.

"What's his problem?" Lily asked, upset and staring after him. "No idea..." James whispered, trying to keep his feelings concealed. Was he a horrible person for liking two people at once?

(No one:

Im sorry, I promise it will get better ❤️‍🩹)

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