Chapter 6: Who cares?

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(Heyy! So, guess who is online for school? Me! Also, my Theatre rehearsals are cancelled for two weeks, so I have a ton of free time. I have nothing better to do then write, so your going to get a ton of chapters for the next two weeks. Also, if anyone wants to request a chapter theme, or send me an idea for the story, I would be very happy, because I'm running out of ideas! Anything is fair game, I just don't write smut. Anyways, enjoy this short, space filling chapter 😂)

"Hi!!" Lily exclaimed, running over to Regulus and James, who were holding hands and walking into the great hall. "Hello!" Regulus said, And James grinned. They were all loving the three-way couple so far, Regulus even starting to like Lily, and not be jealous of her.

Lily went to James's other side, and held his left hand. The relationship had been an open secret for some time, Every student knowing, but at the same time, being confused by the three of them. They never really clarified what they were.

Regulus, James, and Lily each took a silent deep breath, pushing open the doors to the great hall, and walking inside. They received some stares, some catcalls, and reassuring looks from Remus, Sirius, Marlene, Peter, Dorcas, and Mary. The three made their way to where the Marauders were sitting, and sat down, ignoring everyone around them.

"Hello, you three." Remus said, as some random Slytherin walked up directly behind Regulus. "May I help you?" Lily, who was beside Regulus, asked, turning around in her chair to look at the girl standing over them. "What do you think your doing?" The girl asked in her nasally voice, crossing her arms and looking James, Regulus, and Lily up and down.

"Uh- dating?" James said, a hard glint in his eyes. "Who?!" She asked, her voice getting higher and more annoying the more she spoke. "Each other." James said, pointing at himself, Lily, and Regulus. "That's not humanly possible, idiots!" The Slytherin girl said, glaring at them.

"It's tough to be gods." Regulus replied smoothly, high fiveing Sirius. "Yeah, but in all honesty, their both my boyfriends. And we like it that way, so fuck off." Lily said, turning around with an eye roll. She scoffed and walked off, not before pushing James into the table, causing him to knock his head on the table.

She cackled and walked off, flipping her hair. Remus gave her the most deathly look he could muster, but of course, she couldn't see it. James, who had lifted himself up a while ago, was holding his head in his hands and breathing deeply.

"Who cares about her?" Regulus asked, kissing James's cheek and holding Lily and James's hands. "Yeah who cares?" Marlene asked heatedly, barely being held back by Dorcas, as she so badly wanted to punch that girl square in her snarky face.

"We don't have to care. Why should she make a difference? If our friends say we are doing things right, and she says we are doing things wrong, what makes the latter more important then the former?" Lily asked, and Sirius was slowly sitting back down from where he was previously standing up to glare after the girl.

"We can do whatever the fuck we want."

(Sorry for that being a bad chapter, they had to be bullied sooner or later, might as well be now. You guys can choose who says the last line, I didn't assign a person  to say it. Does anyone have a name for the girl? Cause she might appear later in the book and I would rather not call her "the Slytherin girl" the rest of the book LOL. Anyways, thanks for reading! New chapter out soon!)

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