Chapter 15

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Tyga POV

Me and Camie were on the flight to Chicago. She was kinda mad that im not telling her why im taking her here, but she'll get over it. Im taking her to see our dad she really needs this! She might think different but i know what she needs.

Flight Attendent:*picks up phone* We'll be landing in Chicago,Illinois in 5 minutes.

Incase your wondering no we aren't on a regular plane, Tyga don't do regular, we on my private jet.

Camie:Can you tell me now?

Me:Not yet!

After we landed i had my uncle Jason meet us at the drop off. We got our stuff and put it in the back of his car. He gave me a quick hug then realized who Camie was and squeezed the life out her.

Camille:Um hello?

Uncle Jason:You don't remember me?

Camille:Im sorry no!

Uncle Jason:You will soon enough.

I presuaded her into the car and we had a quiet drive to my dad's. We pulled up to my dad's big family house. He met us outside and nearly broke down seeing the site of Camille. I could tell she remembered his face but she looked so stoic.

Camille POV

I know yall like 'you should be happy, or emotional' but how can i feel for a stranger? He left me with someone that he knew had a drug problem! Now he's here hugging me! Pretending like everything is cool! I needed him and he wasn't there for me! All those foster parents beating me and i use call for him to help me! He never came! He never came to dry my tears! Never to tell me everything would be okay! Never to protect me from the harms of the world! AND HE REALLY FUCKING THINKS THAT WE ARE GOOD? HELL NO! He knew my mother was a drug addict and he let her take me! NO SCRATCH THAT HE GAVE ME TO HER! I HATE HIM WITH A PASSION! I have so much anger,hate,and spite right now towards him! I feel myself turning the bright shade of red i knew i would begin to become aggressive! T quickly saw that and he some how got me in my room without me breaking anyone or anything. It was a comfy guest room! I looked on the wall and saw a dipolma that said "Pastor Derek Stevenson" Oh im a preachers daughter to? Im going to hell fr! Next to that was a retirement Certificate for the Army! And a picture at his construction site!(he owns one)
I felt a tear try to slip away an tear or anger and fraustration but i sucked it up! Some girl that looked around 13 came in my room!

Girl:Hey Im Camryn! You must be my sister Camille!

Me:Yo what now?


Me:Um okay Camryn how old are you?

Camryn:Oh im 13, and call me Cam or Camie!

Me:Right! Okay Camryn can you give me a second?

Camryn:Sure sis! But mom said dinner will be ready in a second!

She shut the door and left out! Mom? Ugh why did He bring me here?!
Phone rang and i picked it up! Yes a fimiliar face!

Phone Conversation:

August:Hey ma, wassup?

I sprawled out on the bed.

Me:Oh nothing besides the fact im going to hell, i have a sister and apparently a step-mom you? i said casually

August:*chuckles*Wait what?

Me:You heard me!

August:*chuckles again* Okay but why are you going to hell?

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