Chapter 10

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Camie POV

I sighed in irritation as i got dressed for K's funeral. I don't understand Funerals there is nothing fun about some one dying so why tf is fun in FUNeral? I haven't worn a dress or a skirt in so long, it feels wierd. Well atleast K doesn't have to be down here struggling anymore. I left my hair in it's natural curly state. I slipped on a pair of heels that i bought when i went shopping with Nicki. This feels so surreal this whole thing does. My attire, the event im going to,and who it's for does. I walked out of August room with my black Rayban sunglasses on. (Media box).
I walked down the stairs he waited for me at the end on his phone. He looked up and his mouth dropped.

August:You gon let me hit later right? You can't be getting all sexy and shit then not let a nigga hit.

Me:We will see.

August:You teasin!

Me:Maybe a lil!


August POV

Every chair in the church was filled as the man spoke about K! The people that were very close to him all cried or were crying. All except Camille she just sat there compeletly stoic holding her dark rayban sunshades so when the ceremony was over she'd put them on and keep going. Dymond and Aria sat with there head on her shoulders trying to stop crying. After it was all over Cam still looked emotionless. Some woman walked over to her.

Camille POV

A random lady walked over to me she hugged me😒 she lucky we infront a church.

Lady:Im so sorry for your loss but it's in God's hands right.

Ya know lots of people tell me that. But everytime they do everything gets worse. Im seriously beginning to have doubts in everything and everyone.

Me:Yeah...but who are you?

Lady:Im a social worker from CPS!


Lady:It's been brought to my attention that you are 18 and live in an apartment.

Me:Lady get to the point!

Lady:Well you just turned 18. I dunno how they do it in NYC but since you've moved her the laws are different. You must be 18 and 4 months to be taken out the system as a foster child therefore you must return to the care and living of Joetta Barret!

Me:*mouth drops* What?

Lady:YOU. MUST. RE-(gco)

Me:I heard you! i snapped cuting her off

I need my trees to get through this. So i caught a ride with Ayanna,lolo,gigi, and Simi. They dropped me off at my apartment. Fuck California law i ain't moving out tf? I got changed into basketball shorts and a white crop top t-shirt that looked like a V neck. I grabbed my black jacket and put the hood over my head. I grabbed my lighter, and i rolled Ten laying them all out on the table. I went into the fridge and got the Peach Ciroc you already know it was that type of day. I locked the front door then opened my bed room door where everything was set up. I got a cup poured me a drink i put the bottle back and i locked my bedroom door. All the feelings that i held inside i planned on smoking away. I lit my first one and took a long draw from it closing my eyes. Then i let it go as the smoke flowed from my mouth and nose. I leaned back against my head board and began to relax .

~Hour later~

I was high asf and on my 7th one. I had my phone on "Do not Disturb" mode as i listened to my beats pill boom "Love Sosa" By chief keef. Then i heard the front door unlock. Tf im the only one with a key. Oh well. I took another hit. Then there was a knock on my bedroom door.

Me:*gasp* I know that voice *laughs* Im trippen *takes another hit*

Then i heard the knob jiggle and then the door come open. I know dis nigga aint just pick my lock. He looked around the room full of smoke.

August:Damn girl how much you smoke.

Me:Not alot just about...7 *laughs*

August:You getting me high just standing here.

Me:*holds out one* Come join the party.

August:*thinks about it*

He shut the door and lock it back. Then he sat next to me and we finished the rest of them as we talked.

August POV

At the end of the day im happy. She happy. And i hit more then dem blunts if ya know what i mean!😂😏

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