Chapter 43

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August POV

"Look at daddy's lil princess" I cooed as the nurse gave me my baby girl. Even though she was a premature baby she had a clean bill of health she was just a little small, but that would be expected. The doctor said I could take her home in 2 days but as for Camille? She's stuck here for the next 3 weeks, they are trying to find out what caused her to have the baby so early. The doctor said a possible factor could've been that she was stressed or didn't get enough sleep. Everyone that knows Camille knows no matter what condition or weather she somewhere working on something.

"Okay, thats it. Adrianna Amara Alsina Born on February 4th at 3:45am, Congratulations guys" the nurse cheered giving us a copy of the birth certificate. By now Everyone had gone on home except that person with the hoodie and shades they continued to sit in the waiting room, for what? I have absolutely no clue. The only people who haven't gotten here yet is K and my peoples. Kayden and them just went back the other week and now they coming on back to Cali already, I've been thinking about moving all of em out here they too far from me and I miss them. My momma just don't want to leave.

"Hi sweetheart" said Lila as she walked in the room "aw she looks just like you, okay down to business"

"Hi sweetheart" said Lila as she walked in the room "aw she looks just like you, okay down to business"

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(Lila above^)

"Nope, she needs rest not you coming here with last minute plans to make her rush to go do something" I objected

"Sir? Please I'm speaking to my client" she fake chuckled

"And now your speaking to her husband, the door is right there you may exit" I pointed her out

"I'll text you" she tried to whisper to Camille

"Out" I commanded again before she left

"Thanks" she said with a yawn

"Thank me later for now go to sleep" I demanded

"Sir yes sir" she said turning over "I love you" I heard her speak from the other side

"Love you too" I replied

I looked down at the sleeping baby who actually was the splitting image of her mother but I could tell by the way she was in my arms she wasn't aggressive like her mother she took my laid back and chill demeanor.

"Sir, its time to take her back to the NICU" the nurse softly

"For what if she's fine?" I asked confused

"Well preme babies you must monitor them at all times in case anything medically changes" she informed taking her from me "if you still wanna see her you can come the NICU in the morning"she smiled

"Thanks, anything else I need to know on her" I asked pointing to Camille

"She needs lost rest, I'll be here every hour on the hour to give her, her medicine and when I get off Sara will take care of her" she continued

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