Chapter 9

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2 weeks later

No Pov

Camille had healed from the the accident but she still had a small scar on the side of her stomach. August and his squad took care if Mijo and his crew. All that remains of mijo crew is Prod,Ray,Prince,and Roc. Hella Colleges are asking Camille to go to their college in the fall her mailbox is literally over stuffed. August stays with her but only leaves to do everyday things and studio. But Nyla has been trying to slip in. Tyga and Breezy aint having it tho.

August POV

I was at home bout to hop in the shower when the hospital called....don't let it be bad please...

Ayanna POV

I was in the hospital room with Camille,of course, gigi,lolo(who is now out the hospital) and simi, my cousin.

Gigi:Damn when my bae finna wake up so i can take her home?

Simi:Bruh stfu witt dat shit. I known her since eva she aint even had a boyfriend til she came down her so i kno she aint fucking with no dyke bitch.


Did i forget to mention Simi and Gigi got beef? Over what? $20 that actually was won by Gigi far and square. Kim was out with her boyfriend again😒! i guess im just hateing cuz im all alone now and my little sista has a man and i don't. I miss K so much. I can't imagine me having a son. I'd probably cry looking into our son's face and start thinking of his daddy. Then we all heard a groan and a shift.

Lolo:Who tf just did that?

Simi:I think it was Camie.

We all looked at her bed and she moved again. We screamed for doctor like fucking retards instead of pushing the button. I don't know why we just wierd like that. The doctor came in and force her eyelids open shining a bright ass light in her face. She slapped his hand out the way. Yeah she awake.


Simi:She wake up mad

Me:she don't like to be bothered.

We ran over holding her and hugging her kissing her and showing her love and how much we missed her silly ass.

Doctor:Miss Stevenson you are aware you were under alot of stress and very exhausted that isn't it healthy that can cause cancer you know? What eva ya doing just take it easy.*gives her pills*
These are to ease the pain just a bit.

Cam:What are these and what are side-effects

Simi:she always on her hustle dang!

Doctor:Morphine pills. The side-effects are drowsiness(sc), feeling a bit sick, slight fever maybe, headaches.

Cam:ight thanks

He walked out im guessing to make calls.

Gigi:How you feeling baby?

Cam:Oh,im fine!

Me:Stop being so gotdamn hard, it's okay to feel scared or hurt.

Cam:but im not.

Simi:Yeah whateva.

Gigi:Bitch stfu im getting tierd of you!



Me:Aye chill tf out yall!


Cam was laughing hard.

Simi:Why dis chick laughing.

Cam:Im laughing at yall crazy asses!

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