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"Owh, shit Camille" Camryn whined

"Girl shut up you wanted this damn tattoo" I reminded her as I stopped to pat away excess ink. I was doing Camryn's tattoo so I literally brought work home with me and next I'd be piercing her nose and belly button and yes I'm licensed to do it. I had Adrianna strapped in her Car seat next me. I needed to keep an eye on her and I can't do that and attend to my regular duties around the house so she sits in her little car seat and stares at me all day. Its going on 4 hours of this and I should be done in another two if she sits still.

"In like 30minutes the dryer is ganna stop so imma give you a little break and fold these clothes" I announce as I took the needle and picked up where I left off. August was at a DJ small eyez interview so it was just us three home. And of course the dogs but I had to put them out back because Bronx kept licking Adri and making her cry and Drea kept barking at me for attention.

"Owwww" she continued to whine.

"You did less whining when I did the tattoo going down your spine" I said stopping to pat again

"It hurt less" she continued whimpering

"Think about something else" I replied

"Fine where is momma sheila and the girls?" She asked

"Momma sheila went back out with her guy friend again this week but don't tell August its a guy and the girls went with Cardi to get there nails done" I answered

"Thats like the third time this week" Camryn spoke

"Well. She needs love too Camryn" I reminded her

"I know but still. She getting it ain't she" Camryn chuckled

"Let's talk about you, where you be disappearing to?" I asked her as I multitasked on the tattoo and the conversation

I know Camryn getting older and I just don't want her out here with God knows who and getting hurt.

"I just be going with my friends and Tweety" she smirked

"Tweety is that yo mans now?" I asked uneasy

"Yeah we talk or whatever" she smiled

"Be careful" I warned "tweety good peoples and as loyal as they come but he could get you tangled in something that you can't even get out" I continued

"What do you mean" she asked unsure

"I mean you need to mess with people your speed" I reworded

"My speed? What exactly is my speed Camille" she asked taking offense in her voice

"Camryn you're green as Shrek's ass" I blurted

"Am not" she defended

"Camryn I just warning you for your own good" I stated focusing on the tattoo

"Thanks Camille, I got it" she said annoyed

"I thought the same thing, then someone caught me at a red light and shot me"I started

"That won't happen to me" she repeated

"I thought so too" I shrugged continuing on with this tattoo. We went back and forth about this for 30minutes. Just as I promised I stopped and gave her a break while I folded laundry. Then I gave Adri a bottle and put her in her little swing. Once I turned on that button and it swayed her in her seat she was out like a light. She snored lightly and left her mouth open it was so cute. After our short break I got back to work on the tattoo and within what felt like no time I was completely finished.

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