What's my future?

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Jimmy and Elsa sat back talking to their friends as the triplets were past around.

"So two more weeks until the big day, huh?" Jimmy's father says.

Jimmy pulls his bride to be closer as they both smile.

"Mhm.  Two more weeks until she's all mine."

Elsa giggles.

"You two going on a honeymoon?"

"Oh no!  Not yet anyway.  I don't want to leave my babies for too long."

"Yeah Els and I decided we would wait and take a trip just the two of us in the summer."

"Yeah, they're still too young, and all of them are still stuck on the boob so.."

"Yeah they love mommy's milk, ain't nothin better than that." Jimmy chuckles and pulls her into him making Elsa laugh.

"Though we could use a babysitter for the wedding night.  I don't want any crying fits when I'm trying to consummate my marriage."

"Oh Jimmy!" Elsa laughs and playfully taps his hand. "Stop it!"

"Yeah Jimmy, stop it." Dell says with a slight look of disgust.

"Mama!  Mama!" Their conversation is interrupted by Franz crying for his mother.

"Oh no!  What happened, my darling?"


Eve hands him to Elsa and says, "He was fine until he caught a glance of you."

"Awww!" Elsa pouts and holds him close.

"You love mama, don't you?"

Franz cuddles into Elsa and calms down.  Elsa giggles and pats his butt.

Just then Fritz sees his mother, and he starts crying.

"I'll grab that one." Jimmy says.

"Thank you, honey."

"Come here, Fritz.. it's okay buddy!  Hey what's wrong?" He asks taking him from his mother.

"MAMA!" Fritz pushes away from Jimmy.

"Hey what about me?"

"Mamaaaaa!" He makes a face and hits his father in the face repeatedly.

"Aw.  Bring him here, honey.  My poor boys.  Mama is here, my darlings.  There is no need to be upset."

Jimmy hands her their son, and he immediately calms down.

"Aww.. my boys.  Daddy, will you go check on our little star?" Elsa asks referring to Merlena.

"Sure babe."

As soon as Jimmy walks away Desiree sits in front of Elsa and smiles.

"Hi Desi."

"Hi!  Dell, go over there I need to talk to Elsa."

"Alright.  You ladies need anything?"

"No thank you, Dell." Elsa smiles.

"We don't need anything, get out of here."

Elsa laughs and Dell steps away.

"Elsa, are you pregnant?"

"Desiree!  That's not a question you ask a woman!"

"Well who else would I ask?  Are you?"

"Do I look pregnant?  Nevermind, don't answer that."

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